kiss me

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prompt: "kiss me" "what?" "i said i miss him too, get your ears checked"

summary: in which you and eddie hang out while dustin, your little brother, is visiting suzie and you haven't heard from him. he decides to come home at the perfect time to catch his sister and his d&d leader shirtless and making out on eddie's bed <3 

warnings: some spice, some language. 

i love me some dustin busting moments 


"I am so glad Dustin went to visit Suzie, he wouldn't shut up about not being able to see her." You complained to your best friend, Eddie, while sitting upside down on his bed, feet up against the wall.

You and Eddie had been friends since middle school, and he took Dustin, your little brother, under his wing once Dustin entered high school. You were more in the popular crowd but didn't care if people saw you with the 'freak' and nerds of Hawkins High. They're your brother and best friends, no one could ever change that.

"I still can't believe little Dusty-bun got a girlfriend before I did," Eddie added, looking over at you, still upside down, feet against the wall.

"That's because anytime girls go near you, you scare them off with your devil noises." You pointed out, laughing.

"I didn't scare you away."

"That's because I made devil noises back at you and we instantly became best friends." You reenacted the devil horns and sound, causing Eddie to laugh deeply.

"Yes, a match made in heaven indeed." Eddie flipped back around, upright, his face hovering over yours. You got a case of butterflies in your stomach as his lips got super close to yours. "Want to rent a movie and bug Steve and Robin in the process?" He whispered as if it was a secret.



Days passed and Dustin was still visiting Suzie, so you spent every day at Eddie's. You couldn't even be near your house without Dustin. Your mom was completely crazy and you hated having to deal with her alone. You and Eddie sat on the couch, 'Beetlejuice' playing on the TV.

"I can't believe he hasn't even called or walkie-ed me while he's been gone." You said out loud, referring to Dustin.

"He's probably just having a good time and doesn't want to talk to his annoying sister." Eddie removed his arm from around your shoulder and turned to face you, his legs crisscrossed.

"So you're saying I'm annoying Eddie Munson." You smirked and crossed your arms, copying his body position across from you.

"I said you're an annoying sister, I never said annoying friend." He pointed his finger at you and then booped your nose. You just sat and stared at him, smiling. Wishing you weren't just friends. Eddie stared back into your eyes, smile on his face.

"Sorry that I just miss my brother." You finally said.

"Kiss me." Eddie said quietly. Did you hear that right?


"I said I miss him too, get your ears checked." Eddie jumped up from the couch and walked into his room, needing a second to collect what just slipped out of his mouth. You followed after him, watching him pace back and forth.

"Are you sure you didn't say 'kiss me'? Because I'm pretty sure that's what I heard." You said this in a sarcastic tone, but not in one that made him think you didn't want him to kiss you.

"You're crazy." Eddie shook his head and walked over to you.

"I guess so. Must have been wishful thinking."

"Y/N Y/L/N, wishing she could kiss Eddie Munson. No way. I don't believe it for a second." Eddie crossed his arms, standing even closer to you.

"Believe it, Munson."

"You are way too good for me." He uncrossed his arms and was holding your waist with his hands. Woah.

"So not true. How many times do I have to remind you how amazing you are?" You started talking lower, your hands moving to the sides of his face.

"You're the only reason I don't believe what everyone else says about me."


Eddie clashed his lips into yours, cliche fireworks immediately going off in your heads. He pulled you as close as he could to him, arms wrapped tightly around you. He slowly backed you up and laid you on the bed, not breaking the kiss once. Eddie threw his jacket off, followed by both of your shirts, these landing by the entrance to the bedroom.

Eddie trailed kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach, stopping at the band of your shorts. He brought himself up to your lips again and continued to kiss you, his hands rubbing all over your body. Light moans escaped your mouth as you felt his cold rings and his strong hands on you. You both sat up, you about to crawl onto his lap, when a figure appeared in the doorway, holding your shirts.

"What. The. Actual. Shit." Dustin said one word at a time, slowly. His mouth wide open, face traumatized. Eddie whipped his head around and immediately went to grab a blanket to cover you up.

"Dustin, oh my gosh! Get out!" You yelled at him, throwing a pillow in his direction. He just stood there like a stone. He suddenly grabbed the pillow and started hitting a shirtless Eddie with it.

"SERIOUSLY DUDE! THAT'S MY SISTER! EW!" He threw the pillow at Eddie's face and walked out of the room, slamming the door. You and Eddie looked at each other and started laughing.

"I can't believe he just caught us like that. He is going to be scared." You said, getting up to grab your shirt that Dustin eventually dropped on the floor.

"I still can't believe you like me."

"That wasn't enough to prove it?" You said, smiling.

"Maybe I'll need a little more proof." Eddie pulled you close, lips about to touch yours.

"STILL HERE!" Dustin shouted from the other side of the door. You made an annoyed face and rolled your eyes.

"Hey, it's your brother." You gave Eddie a look. "That you claimed you missed so much." He added.

"I take that back. Let's send him to Suzie's more often." You said, kissing Eddie.

"Sounds like a win-win to me." 


soooo cute omg. the older henderson sister with eddie gives such fun vibes because i could seriously see dustin doing this lol. 

make sure to vote! :) 

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