what in the freaking hell was that? | drabble

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requested by: cityenough

summary: you have really bad period cramps and you accidentally take it out on eddie at lunch. 

warnings: nothing really, a couple bad words i think *not proof read*


That time of the month started again, and it came wreaking absolute havoc and pain. Figures, it had to happen at school too. You sat at the lunch table with the rest of the Hellfire boys, curled up in a ball, not talking to anyone.

Eddie noticed your odd behavior, continuously asking what was wrong. You kept telling him you had cramps, but guys never understand how bad they can be. He just let you be, letting you sit there in peace. Eventually, Dustin wanted to include you in the conversation, always loving your presence to even out Eddie's chaos.

"Earth to Y/N!" Eddie shouted, throwing a ball of foil at you. You looked up, eyes narrowed in on the culprit. You threw it back as hard as you could, hitting Eddie in the forehead. "Ow!" He exclaimed.

"Leave me alone, Eddie!" You yelled at him, making all of the boys look at you with fear.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry." Eddie told you, getting closer and trying to wrap his arms around you.

"I told you, Eddie, I don't feel good." You said impatiently.

"Do you need anything?"

"Yeah, for you to just leave me alone!" You said to him, getting up to collect your things and quickly leave.

"What in the freaking hell was that?" Eddie asked as he turned to the guys.

"Girls are weird," Dustin said, going back to eating his food.

"Nancy gets like that too, it's terrifying," Mike told Eddie.

"I guess I'll just let it blow over," Eddie said.

"No! Go apologize! If she breaks up with you she'll leave Hellfire and we can't let that happen!" Dustin shouted at Eddie, grabbing his shirt.

"Let. Go." Eddie warned. "Fine, you're right. I can't babysit you children alone."

"I'm not a child." Garth defended.

"Sure." Eddie said, getting up and leaving the cafeteria.

He searched all of your usual spots, eventually finding you sitting in your car, curled up once again in your driver's seat. Eddie knocked on the window, and you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. He quickly opened the door, and you got out, hugging him immediately.

"I'm so sorry." You said, crying some more. Eddie held you, very confused as to what was going on with your emotions.

"It's okay, Princess. I guess I just don't know how to handle girl things very well, I'll get better, I'm sorry."

"I can usually hide it well, I'm the one that should be sorry."

"Hey, hey, don't cry. It's okay." Eddie comforted. "Do you want to go home? We can curl up in bed?"

"You shouldn't be skipping any more class." You told him, laughing.

"I think I'll survive. Let's go. Good thing I drove with you this morning. Now get your cute ass in the passenger seat."

"Can I trust you driving my car?" You joked.


"Again, I'm so sorry." You told Eddie before you got back into the car.

"You never have to apologize for that."

"I love you." You said, smiling.

"I love you more." 

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