they've totally hooked up | drabble

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prompt: "fuck me if im wrong but--" "you're wrong" "i haven't even said anything yet" "you're wrong"

summary: you, dustin, and steve are arguing about the direction of skull rock, little do they know you've been there hundreds of times to make out with eddie munson <3

warnings: language and suggestive comments ;) 

*takes place in season four*


As you, Dustin, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Max and Lucas, were making your way to skull rock, you and Dustin were confused as to why your compasses weren't working properly. You knew the exact direction to skull rock since you and Eddie go there all of the time to make out, but your friends didn't know that because they didn't know you and Eddie were... whatever you were; so you were confused when your compass showed the wrong direction.

"I'm telling you, you two are taking us the wrong way," Steve told you and Dustin.

"It's north. I'm positive, I checked the map." Dustin told Steve.

"You do realize that skull rock is like a super popular make-out spot?" Steve pointed out.

"Yeah, so?" Dustin questioned.

"Yeah well it wasn't popular until I made it popular, alright? I practically invented it. We're heading in the wrong direction." Steve started walking away, Dustin complaining.

"Sad to admit, but he's right, Dusty-bun. I've been to this place a million times and it's not north like our compasses say. Maybe they're on the fritz."

"Wait, why have you been here?" Steve questioned.

"None of your damn business, mom." You stuck your tongue out at Steve and kept walking. Once you got to the rock, Steve started to brag.

"Oh boom! Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson. Skull Rock! In your faces, in your stupid cocky faces!" Steve said to you two.

"Doesn't make sense." You and Dustin said simultaneously.

"Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring at you in the face, you can't admit it. And there's no way in hell you've been here a million times, Y/N. You've never mentioned a boy once. You two just can't admit you're wrong, you buttheads." Steve gloated.

"I concur." The three of you heard Eddie's voice and turned around. "You, Dustin Henderson and Y/N Y/L/N, are total buttheads." Eddie smirked at you and winked.

"Jesus, we thought you were a goner." Dustin told Eddie and hugged him.

While the group was discussing the previous Vecna attack and establishing what they should do, you and Dustin paced back and forth, looking at your compasses. Why were they both wrong?

"Hey, uh, Henderson and Y/L/N aren't cursed, are they?" Eddie questioned, watching you both pace back and forth.

"Cursed? No, no. They're fine. Mental? Absolutely." Steve told Eddie.

You and Dustin looked at each other, finally realizing why your compasses weren't working.

"BOOM!" You both shouted at the same time, facing the group.

"Bada, bada... boom. I was right. Skull Rock was North." Dustin told the group.

"You're serious? Are you serious?" Steve shouted. "This is Skull Rock. Okay?! You're totally, absolutely, 100% wrong. Right now!"

"No, he's not, moron. So fuck me if I'm wrong too but—"

"You're wrong." Eddie's interruption made the group stare at him now instead of you and Dustin.

"I haven't even said anything yet."

"You're wrong," Eddie said again, an evil smirk on his face.

"Seriously? Shut up. Let's get back to the point we were about to make." You warned Eddie.

"Wait, what's going on here?" Dustin said, pointing at you and Eddie.

"OH MY GOSH, THEY'VE TOTALLY HOOKED UP!" Steve shouted, jumping in the air and pointing fingers like crazy. Your face turned red and you kept telling Steve to shut up.

"EDDIE IS THE ONE YOU COME TO SKULL ROCK WITH?!" Dustin shouted too, making you hide your face in your hands.

"Ew!" Lucas joined in. "That's our D&D leader and you're our sister, that's disgusting!"

"Hence why I didn't tell any of you!" You yelled at them.

"So are you dating?" Max questioned. You and Eddie just looked at each other.

"They're totally just hooking up. I know those looks anywhere. Just know I invented this place." Steve said obnoxiously. You rolled your eyes.

"So you mentioned, asshole." You told him.

"Jealous much Harrington?" Eddie said, laughing at Steve, getting up from where he was sitting. Steve made a face and started walking over to Eddie.


"We'll discuss this later," Steve said, trying to sound intimidating.

"Ok, mom." 


ok i love this lol. steve and eddie own my heart <3 i kinda want to start a steve harrington imagines book.... what do yall think?

make sure to vote!

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