everything is better because of you | drabble-ish

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requested by: eelysiann

summary: you go to eddie's before school to check on him, and he's curled in bed with a migraine so you take care of him <3

warnings: just language i think 


Eddie was never late to pick you up, so you knew something was up. He always loved taking you to school even though you could easily drive yourself. You hopped in your car and headed for his house, worried something was wrong.

When you got to his trailer, his van was still in the front. You knocked on the front door, and when no one answered, you pulled the spare key Eddie gave you out of your bag and opened it. The place was a mess, a pill bottle spilled over the counter.

"Eddie?" You called out. You heard a weird grunting noise coming from his bedroom, and you walked in to see Eddie curled up, blankets and pillows covering his entire body, the shades closed. "Baby, what's wrong?" You questioned and immediately sat next to him. You pulled the pillow off of his face, and he winced.

"IT BURNS!" Eddie shouted.

"What's wrong?" You asked again.

"The worst fucking migraine ever, that's what's wrong. I'm sorry I didn't call and tell you I couldn't pick you up. I haven't moved since four this morning." Eddie explained.

"You should've called, I would've been here in a second." You kissed Eddie's forehead. "Please don't tell me you smoked again... I thought you said you stopped."

"I did, I promise. I don't know why I'm getting a migraine like this"

"Did you take some medicine for it?" You questioned while Eddie curled up once more.

"Yeah, and not helping so far." Eddie whispered.

"I'm going to go make an ice towel for you to put on your head and I'll make you something to eat." You told him, getting up.

"You have school."

"Not when my handsome man has a killer migraine. Plus, you have a campaign tonight, and I'll be damned if I don't get you better before then."

"Handsome man," Eddie repeated.

"What?" You questioned, laughing.

"Nothing, just has a good ring to it. Just like Y/N Munson."

"I'll be back, crazy."

You went into the kitchen and grabbed a towel, soaking it in water and then sticking it in the freezer. You grabbed a can of soup from the cabinet, heating it up on the stove. As you waited for the soup, you straightened up the trailer, and Eddie's uncle walked in the door, surprised to see you.

"Y/N! What are you doing here sweetheart?" He questioned, standing across the counter from you.

"Hi Wayne! Eddie has a massive migraine, so I wanted to stay and make sure he's okay. I hope that's alright. I can afford to miss one day of school."

"Of course it is. You spoil that boy." He joked. "Don't tell him I said this, but he is seriously head over heels in love with you. I never thought he would be so passionate about someone or be this happy." He whispered to you.

"I feel the same way about him." You replied, trying not to blush. Wayne smiled at you, gathering his jacket and lunch box. He always made you feel welcomed and cared for.

"If the nerd is feeling up for it, do you two want to get dinner tonight? We'll go to a nice restaurant." Wayne offered, getting ready to walk out the door.

"That sounds really nice. He has a campaign tonight, so trust me, he'll be fine." You both laughed and said your goodbyes, Wayne walking out the door.

The soup was ready, so you poured it into a bowl and grabbed the towel from the freezer, walking into Eddie's room.

"How are you feeling champ?"

"Like you and my uncle forgot I have ears." Eddie joked, throwing a pillow in your direction, missing by a foot or two.

"Aww, is someone embarrassed?"

"Very. I feel humiliated." Eddie responded sarcastically. He sat up, grabbing the cold towel from you, and wrapping it around his head. He took the soup next and began slurping it up as if he was starving.

"Please, don't hold back."

"Everything tastes better when you make it," Eddie told you. You sat down next to him, pulling the blankets over yourself. "Everything is better because of you. Even having a migraine."

"Thank you?" You questioned, laughing. You looked over at Eddie, noticing the soup was already gone. "Holy shit, babe. When was the last time you ate?"

"Last night. As I said, it was a five-star soup because you made it." Eddie told you. You got up, taking the bowl from Eddie. He snuggled back under the blankets.

"Try and get some sleep, okay?" You told him, kissing his forehead.

"Will you come cuddle with me when you're done putting that away?" Eddie said in a baby voice.

"I already planned on it." 


ahhh this was cuter than i thought originally 

make sure to vote ! :)

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