i'm not good enough for you

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requested by: 80schickgal (im sorry this took so long to get done, i hope you love it!)

summary: eddie doesn't feel like he's good enough for you

warnings: language? angst? kinda sad? 


Eddie couldn't believe when you asked him to the dance last year, and kissed him later that night after telling him you had feelings for him. He watched you every day since then, miss personable, friendly, and absolutely glowing. He questioned how a girl like you could be with a guy like him. Today, being one of those days.

Eddie sat at the lunch table with the rest of the Hellfire boys, watching you stop and talk to people on your way to the table. Your smile lit up while talking to everyone, and he could understand why everyone loved you so much; why he loved you so much. You finally sat down next to him at the table, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"You alright pretty boy?" You questioned, noticing the distraught look on his face.

"I'm not pretty." Eddie told you, a sting in his voice. You got up, sitting on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"What's wrong?"


"Liar." You told him. "I know you better than you know yourself. Talk to me." You held his face with your hands, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm okay, really." Eddie put a smile on his face, pulling you in for a deep kiss. Suddenly, an apple was thrown at your back, causing you to turn around, seeing Dustin and Mike making kissy faces at you and Eddie.

"Trolls." You mumbled.

"We're still here! Go make out somewhere else!" Mike shouted. Eddie smirked, and turned your head around to face him. He put his lips on yours, shoving his tongue in your mouth. The boys started rioting, screaming at you two to stop. You eventually broke away, you and Eddie laughing. You got up, picking up your backpack and kissing Eddie's head.

"Lucky for you idiots, I have to go retake a quiz. I'll see you guys later." You began walking away, turning around to face Eddie. "Call me later?" He nodded, winking at you. As soon as you left the table, someone called your name, you waving in their direction. Eddie smiled softly, looking down and continuing to wonder, why him?

When it hit eleven, you grew concerned since Eddie still hadn't called. You tried calling his trailer, his uncle Wayne answering the phone instead, telling you Eddie hadn't been home yet. You tried thinking of where he could be, and decided to go to Dustin's house, hoping he would be there. When you pulled up, Eddie's van was outside, and you sighed, relieved. You knocked on Dustin's door, his mom answering.

"DUSTY! THERE'S A PRETTY GIRL HERE TO SEE YOU AND YOUR FRIEND!" She shouted into the house, motioning for you to come in. You smiled and thanked her, watching the two boys come out of Dustin's room; Dustin's mom going back into her bedroom.

"What are you doing here? It's late." Eddie questioned.

"You didn't call me and Wayne said you hadn't gone home. I was just worried. You seemed so off today, E."

"I told you I'm fine, Y/N. I didn't realize me not calling you was the end of the world." Eddie fired back. You were stunned, not expecting Eddie to react that way. He never treated you like that.

"Excuse me?" You questioned. "That wasn't even what I was trying to say. Seriously, what is going on with you?"

"Just go home, Y/N." Eddie told you. Dustin started backing away into the kitchen, worried about his two friends.

"I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me."

"You want to know what's wrong? What's bothering me? I'm not good enough for you, that's what's wrong! You are so gorgeous, friendly, popular, and so gosh damn nice to everyone! You are perfect! So why are you with me? You are way better than me and you know it!" You stood there, tears filling your eyes as Eddie backed you into the door. He opened it behind you and gently pushed you outside. "Just go home." He closed the door, leaving you standing there alone.

Tears began streaming down your face as you knocked on the door repeatedly, waiting for someone to open it. When no one ever did, you got into your car, hitting the steering wheel over and over. What in the hell was that? Where did all of that come from?

You drove home as fast as you could, marching into your room, still crying. You were so confused and heartbroken. That was so unlike Eddie, and you felt so bad. You could never think that about Eddie. You thought the world of him, and nowhere near what he had said. You curled up in bed, thinking about what you should do. You decided to give him his space, letting all of this hopefully blow over.

You didn't get much sleep, too busy thinking about Eddie. As soon as it hit ten in the morning, you rushed to Eddie's trailer. A sense of relief washed over you when you saw Eddie's van parked out front and Wayne's car gone. You quickly got out of your car, pounding on the front door. Eddie didn't answer, making you groan.

"EDDIE MUNSON! I KNOW YOU'RE AWAKE!" You shouted, impatiently. "You're sitting on the couch right now in your underwear shoving Honeycombs in your mouth!" A few seconds later, the door was thrown open, Eddie in his underwear, Honeycombs in hand. You stood in front of him, an 'I told you so' look on your face.

"You can't prove that." Eddie said to you, making you smile.

"Can we please talk now?" Eddie nodded, moving so you could come inside. "Eddie, I have never once thought those things about you."

"Y/N, I—"

"No, let me finish please." You told him. Eddie nodded, putting on his shirt that was on the floor. "I think you are incredible. You are sweet, funny, kind, and so handsome. You are more than enough for me, and I have always felt that way. You may not see the good in yourself, but I see it. I see it every single day. I need you to trust in that, and not your own negative thoughts. I'm sorry if I have ever made you feel that low, I am so sorry if I ever did."

"No, no, no, Princess. You never once made me feel like that." Eddie told you, holding onto your arms and pulling you to him. "I am so sorry for last night. I should have never treated you like that. I just see you every day, so full of life and joy, and I can't help but wonder why you're with me. I'm sorry." Eddie looked down, and you held his face with your hands, looking into his eyes.

"It's okay, E. I'm sorry. I promise, I'm with you because you're amazing and I am so in love with you." You assured him. Eddie pulled you in, kissing your lips passionately.

"I love you, so so much, Y/N."

"I love you more, and promise me, no more thoughts like that?" You told Eddie, him sighing.

"No promises." He replied, smirking. You lightly hit his arm, laughing.

"I'll kick your butt, Eddie Munson." He laughed at you, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Hey!" Eddie tossed you on the bed, and then jumping on top of you, pretending to do a wrestling move. "It's on!" You flipped yourself around, on top of Eddie now.

"You are so phenomenal, Y/N Y/L/N," Eddie told you, looking into your eyes and kissing you.

"Phenomenal? That's a big boy word." You joked

"Oh shush!" Eddie put his lips on yours again, both of you smiling through the kisses. "I love you." You told Eddie, smiling.

"I love you more, beautiful girl." 


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