doing much more than kissing when you get better | drabble-ish

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requested by: rvven on tumblr

summary: you wake up sick on yours and eddie's anniversary, so he comes over to surprise you and take care of you <3

warnings: a couple curse words, implied sex talk

**finishing the rest of requests today and tomorrow!!**


When you woke up with a deep cough and runny nose on what was supposed to be your three-year anniversary with your boyfriend, Eddie, you were so upset. He had a bunch of plans for you two, so you dreaded having to call him to cancel.

"Happy Anniversary! Are you ready to get your freak on?" Eddie yelled into the phone when he picked up, making you laugh and then continuously cough. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to make you choke already." Eddie joked.

"Very funny." You started. "Eddie, I'm so sorry, but I have to cancel today. I'm coming down with the flu."

"The flu?!"

"Yes, sweetheart, the flu." You responded, rolling your eyes.

"Say no more," Eddie said, then hung up the phone.

"Eddie? Eddie?" You said into the phone. You put the phone down, confused as to what Eddie was up to.

While you were laying in bed, enjoying some soup, your bedroom door flew open, making you jump up, soup getting all over your lap.

"Fuck!" You shouted, hot soup burning your legs.

"I'm so sorry!" Eddie exclaimed, running over to your side.

"What are you doing here? I don't want you to get sick." You told him, Eddie grabbing you new clothes from your dresser.

"I brought all of your favorites; gummy worms, crackers, more soup, and those fancy cough drops you like!" Eddie responded, handing you the clothes he picked out.

"You didn't have to do that." You said, smiling.

"I would do anything for you crazy. Now, go change and get back in bed. I'll make you more soup."

"You don't even take care of yourself like this when you're sick. I have to force you to take your meds." You said to him.

"Boys will be boys," Eddie told you.

"Stupid." You said, laughing.

After you changed clothes, you laid back in bed and Eddie gave you a new bowl of soup, promising not to make you spill it on yourself again. You played cards, you beating him every round, and colored in some coloring books, which you always loved doing together.

"Hey." Eddie stopped coloring and looked at you.


"Happy anniversary," Eddie said, pulling out a box from beside him. You took it, opening it up to reveal a small locket; a photo of the two of you inside.

"Eddie. Oh my gosh. You did not have to get me this." You said, tears filling your eyes.

"I wanted to get you something special since I can't marry you yet according to your dad," Eddie told you, smiling. "Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it, Eds. Thank you. When I get better I'm kissing the shit out of you."

"Oh, we are doing much more than that," Eddie said, winking.

"Shut up." You said, laughing, then coughing. "I got you something too." You leaned over to your nightstand, grabbing the bag you had sitting on there, handing it to Eddie.

"NO WAY!" Eddie shouted as he took out what was in the bag. It was a Dungeons and Dragons shirt, with "Eddie the Banished" written on it. You had it custom-made at a new shop that opened up downtown. "This is so freaking cool babe! Thank you!" Eddie immediately took off his shirt, putting the new one on.

"I knew you'd do that, so I already washed it." You said, giggling.

"We are definitely doing much more than kissing when you get better! This is so cool!" Eddie exclaimed, making you laugh some more. "I love you," Eddie said, sitting at the edge of your bed, looking at you with his beautiful big eyes.

"I love you more."

"If that was true, you'd let me win at cards."


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