he is my worst enemy

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requested by: nightshadered

summary: you and eddie do not get along whatsoever and one day when he comes over to your house to hang out with dustin, you realize you have a lot more in common than you thought <3

prompt included: "he is my worst enemy. my nemesis" "didn't you just meet him like five minutes ago?" "yes"

warnings: some language but that's it :) 


When you walked Dustin to the first day of his new D&D club, you were instantly alarmed when you saw that Eddie Munson was the leader. The 'amazing' guy who has taken Dustin under his wing. You pulled Dustin aside and asked why he would ever join a group with Eddie, and Dustin simply defended him.

"Hey, Henderson!" Eddie paused and looked at you cautiously. "Why are you here?" He questioned.

"This is my sister," Dustin told him. Horror crossed Eddie's face.

"Oh." Was all Eddie said before walking away.

"He is my worst enemy. My nemesis." You said scornfully.

"Didn't you just meet him like five minutes ago?" Dustin questioned.

"Yes. Well, no. We've crossed paths before."

"Listen, Mike and Lucas are here too. If anything happens I will call you."

"Yeah unless he kills all three of you."

Ever since this day, you and Eddie constantly fight, bicker, and insult each other. You think he is an awful influence on Dustin, and you wish your little brother would just leave the group. You kept warning him that if Eddie turns out to be some psycho killer, not to go crying to you since you were right.

On today's episode of 'Eddie and Y/N fights 101,' you walked over to the Hellfire lunch table, giving Dustin the book that he needed for his class after lunch.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, your majesty," Eddie said, bowing to you.

"Just giving Dustin his book, asshat." You responded harshly.

"Can you two just be nice to each other for once?" Dustin asked.

"No." You and Eddie responded at the same time, giving each other a dirty look.

"See, you can already read each other's minds." Dustin pointed out.

"You're right Dusty-bun, we can. Eddie is thinking about how he wishes he could get a girlfriend and how badly he wishes he could destroy me. Probably how he can kill all of us with his satanic cult. Oh, and can't forget the whole not being able to graduate thing." You said, probably crossing a dangerous line.

"And Y/N is thinking about how to be a nice person. Oh wait, she isn't capable of that since she a cold-blooded reptile that can make an appearance of a human, or, somewhat of one." You stood there and crossed your arms aggressively. Eddie smirked because he knew he got you there.

"Enough! Just shut up!" Dustin shouted. You walked away and sat back down with your friends. Them asking you why you keep talking to Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Your head was somewhere else while they were questioning you, though. Did he really think you were a cold-blooded reptile? This remark bothered you more than any of the ones he has ever thrown at you. It stayed on your mind the entire day.

You were crawled up in your bed when you heard a knock on the door. Maybe Dustin forgot his key. You got up and opened the door, only to see Eddie standing there.

"Oh, hey, sorry. Dustin and I are supposed to hang out. I'm early." Eddie told you.

"He's not here." You said coldly, a sad look on your face.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you even care?"

"You seem sad," Eddie said. You left the door open and walked back to your room. Eddie closed the door behind him and followed you. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Eddie looked around your room and saw the rock music posters hanging, along with the guitar pick art you had on your wall and tapes and vinyl's lined up on your shelves.

"Nothing." You told him.

"I didn't know you were a metal head like me? I thought we had nothing in common." Eddie said, amazed.

"You're not a cold-blooded reptile, so we don't have anything in common." You said, throwing yourself down on your bed, curling up with a pillow. Eddie gave you a sad expression.

"That's what's bothering you? I once called you a whiny bitch, and that had no effect. Y/N, I do not think you are cold-blooded or a reptile." A tear ran down your face, and Eddie panicked. He had no clue what to do. "No no no no, don't cry! I'm sorry!" Eddie rushed over and sat next to you, wrapping an arm around you lightly, too scared to get too close.

"I can't believe I'm letting you see me cry right now." You said, laughing.

"See, you are fully human." Eddie said, trying to make you feel better. You laughed some more and buried your face in your pillow.

"Rock music is my favorite and I actually like D&D. I just never said anything because I didn't want you to think we had something in common." You said, muffled, pillow still in your face. Eddie laughed and pulled the pillow away. He lightly hit you with it, making you giggle.

"What else don't I know about you?" Eddie asked, facing you.

"I have a tattoo." You said, sheepishly. "If my mom knew, she'd become even more mental than she already is."

"Y/N Henderson has a tattoo? How did you even get one since you're not eighteen?"

"Steve took me." You answered.

"I'm sorry, Steve as in Steve 'the hair' Harrington?" Eddie was taken back, jealousy present.

"Yeah, we've been through a lot so him and I are close. We aren't a thing if that's what you are freaking out about." You told him.

"Why would that freak me out? I don't care." Eddie got nervous and started playing with his rings.

"Mhm." You smiled at Eddie. "I guess we do have things in common besides my brother." You said. "Don't tell him about this either, because he will never leave us alone."

"Trust me, I won't. He'll make my life miserable with a bunch of questions."

"Who will?" Dustin's body appeared in your room, confused as to why you and Eddie were somewhat snuggled on your bed together. You both looked at him, Eddie jumping out of your bed right away.

"You will if I left without even though you took forever to get here." Eddie joked, throwing his arm around Dustin's shoulder. The pair were leaving your room as Eddie turned around to smile at you. "See you around, Y/N."

"Since when do you two get along?" Dustin asked Eddie.

"Since forever, where have you been?" 


part two will be a good one! sorry if there are any mistakes in here, i am exhausted and was trying to get this done. i am trying to get requests done as fast as possible without making them sound like complete crap lol

make sure to vote :)

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