if this is a joke ill beat you with my guitar | drabble

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prompt: "I don't know what I thought was going to happen, but this was definitely not it"

summary: you asked eddie to teach you how to play the guitar, but only as an excuse to spend time with him <3

warnings: make-out sesh, language 


To say Eddie Munson was shocked when the Y/N Y/L/N wanted him to teach her how to play the guitar was an understatement. You were apart of the popular crowd, the kind that doesn't usually associate with Eddie 'the freak' Munson. So when you, the girl he had been in love with since middle school, came up to him at lunch, he could not take you seriously.

"Is this a joke? Are you and your idiot friends pranking me?" Eddie said harshly at you.

"I'm being serious, I really want to learn how to play the guitar. You're in a band and I thought you'd be perfect to teach me. Plus, Nancy told me that Mike brags about your skills all of the time." You told Eddie. He made a questioning look in Mike's direction but was silently thanking him.

"Fine. We can meet at my place tonight at seven. If this is a joke I'll beat you with my guitar." You laughed at the threat.

"Funny, real funny. I'll see you tonight." You smiled at Eddie. Everyone in the cafeteria was watching you as you walked away from his table.

Now, being six-fifty-seven, you got out of your car and knocked on Eddie's front door. He answered it immediately.

"Hey!" He said too anxiously.

"Hey! Ready to do this thing?" You asked. "That's what she said." You joked. Eddie laughed, not realizing you had a sense of humor like that.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" Eddie offered as you walked through the door.

"I'm ok, thank you." You responded.


After an hour, you were finally getting the hang of the strings. Eddie warned you that if you broke anything on his precious baby he would murder you and they'd never find your body. After watching his eyes stare you down every time you touch the guitar, you knew he was probably serious.

"Want to take a snack break?" You inquired.

"Sure, but all I have is honeycomb cereal."

"That's my favorite!" You exclaimed.

"Really? Mine too." Eddie tried to keep his cool. You both got up off the couch and headed toward the kitchen, getting the cereal and milk out. "I usually just shove it in my face and skip the milk," Eddie told you, shyly.

"I do too, but I have to drink milk afterward." You said, laughing.

"You know, I seriously did not expect you to be this much of an angel. You're amazing." Eddie instantly jumped and covered his mouth, not meaning to say that out loud.

"So you thought I was a bitch?" You laughed.

"No! I knew you were a sweetheart, just not to this extent..." Eddie's words drew out. You smiled.

He led you back to the couch, sitting down next to each other, eating your cereal.

"Can I confess something?" You said sheepishly.


"I only asked you for a guitar lesson as an excuse to spend time with you without making it obvious that I had some killer feelings for you..." Eddie looked at you in awe, not believing what he just heard.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"You heard me right, Eddie." You laughed at his surprise. Eddie threw his cereal down and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your face like crazy, falling on top of you. You giggled super loud, then brought his lips to yours."I don't know what I thought was going to happen, but this was definitely not it." You said once breaking away from the intense make-out session.

"I expected to teach you how to play the guitar. Not us confess that we're in love with each other." You both laughed and he pulled you close to him again. "Your friends are going to freak."

"Let them, they're dicks anyway."

"Total dicks." 


eddie in love is my fave. working on more requests right now!!!

make sure to vote!

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