forget the broom, ride me instead

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summary: you meet eddie at a halloween party, and you really hit it off ;)

warnings: 18+!! smut!! language! 

*actually really like this one hahah happy halloween!! will be working on other requests soon!*


When your friend convinced you to go with her to a Halloween party, you didn't imagine her ditching you for some guy and leaving you all alone in the kitchen of a house that belonged to a person you didn't know. Yet, that is exactly what she did.

You walked around the house, attempting to not get hit on by any guys, and trying to find a group of girls that looked approachable. To no avail, you found yourself outside on the porch, leaning over the railing. You heard a creak and looked to your right to see a guy sitting on the porch swing.

He didn't seem to be in a costume, had long black hair, and tattoos. Tattoos.. those are what got you. You walked over to him, noticing the blood on his ripped Metallica shirt.

"Umm... should I be concerned about the blood on your shirt?" You questioned, attempting to start a conversation.

He looked up from lighting his cigarette, his eyes scanning your body. You wore a tight black dress, thin purple leggings, and high boots, complimented with your witch hat and broom.

"I just got done killing three people." He said, in a serious tone.

"No wonder you look like shit. Hand that over." You stated, sitting down next to the boy and reaching out for his smoke. He handed it to you in surprise, watching you take a puff.

"Well nice to meet you too. I'm Eddie."

"Y/N." You added, inhaling the cigarette once more and handing it back to Eddie.

"Why are you all alone tonight?" Eddie questioned, putting the smoke out.

"My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party and I don't know anyone. But you look as miserable as I feel, so figured I'd stop over and keep you company." You responded, making Eddie smirk. "Why are you all alone tonight?" You questioned.

"My group of friends did the same thing. That's what I get for being friends with the King of Hawkins and a bunch of children." Eddie complained.

"Is that why you killed them?" You joked.


"Did you say King of Hawkins? As in Steve Harrington?"

"Yeah, did you go to Hawkins High?" Eddie asked.

"No, but Steve and I hooked up once years ago and made sure to tell me countless times that he owns that school." You explained.

"Of course he did. Asshole." Eddie mumbled.

"He is an asshole. He left during the night before I woke up and I never heard from him again. Can't believe he's your friend. You don't seem like you'd get along."

"First off, I'm going to kick his ass for that, and second, he actually isn't like that anymore." You looked at Eddie, wide-eyed. "Shocker, I know. Enough about the Hair." Eddie started. "Do you want to get out of here? I'm starving from all of my murderous activities."

"There's a diner up the street." You suggested.


As you got out of Eddie's van, you stopped before entering the diner, surveying your outfit. You turned to Eddie, hands on your hips.

"Is this costume too revealing? I feel like I should put something else on." You said. Eddie looked over your body again, licking his lips.

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