it never stops | drabble

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requested by: eddiesgfff on tumblr 

summary: your dad just got done yelling at you, and while you were in your room crying, your boyfriend, eddie, happened to stop by.

warnings: verbal abuse, language

*so sorry for how long it's taking to get through requests! hoping to spend more time writing soon!!!*


"You selfish and ungrateful bitch!" Was the last thing you heard your dad yell as you ran into your bedroom, slamming and locking the door.

You threw yourself down on the floor, leaning against your bed. The tears flowed and flowed, not stopping. You made sure to stay as quiet as possible, not wanting your dad to hear.

While you were crying, you didn't hear the knocking on your window. Your boyfriend stood outside in the cold, continuing to knock until he noticed it was open. Eddie slid the pane up, crawling into your room. He didn't notice you crying at first, until he saw you look up at him, blood shot eyes, tears covering your face.

"Princess? What happened?" Eddie questioned, rushing over to your side. He held you close to him, you head resting on his chest.

"My dad."


"Of course, again. It never stops." You said, more tears spilling out. "I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing." You attempted to wipe away the tears on your face.

Eddie grabbed your hands, putting them down into your lap, then cupping your face with his hands. He wiped away your tears with his thumb, placing a kiss on your forehead. Eddie just stared at you, smiling.

"You better never say that again. Nothing you do is embarrassing, especially crying. Have you met me? I'm king of embarrassing. Not you."

"You definitely are the king of embarrassing. Remember when you got up at the table at lunch and shouted that you kissed me for the first time? That was embarrassing as hell Eddie Munson!" You said, laughing.

"First of all, I was making sure everyone knew you were mine, and second, I love your beautiful smile."

"The way you grab me and make out with me in front of everyone says that, trust me."

"It better." Eddie said, lifting you up and putting you on his lap, making you giggle like crazy. "I love you." Eddie told you, peppering kisses all over you, causing you to laugh more.

"I love you, crazy."

"Hey, crazy for you!"

"Crazy in the head, for sure." You joked, kissing Eddie's lips softly. "Can I stay at your place tonight? I really don't want to be here."

"Of course you can. Let's pack your stuff." Eddie said, helping you up.

Eddie helped you gather your essentials, looking through your drawers and examining everything in them. He smirked when he got to your underwear drawer, lifting up his favorite blank thong you have.

"Can't forget this beauty."

"Seriously?" You questioned, raising your brows at him.

"Wayne's out of town." Eddie responded innocently.

"Liar." You said, grabbing the thong from him.

"It was worth a shot." Eddie watched as you put the piece back in your drawer, then going to grab your bag. He opened the drawer quietly, tucking the underwear into his pocket, trying to contain his laughter.

"Ready?" You asked, turning around and heading for the window.

"Yes ma'am." 

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