i think i'm in love with my best friend

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requested by: tfisgoingonhere

summary: you and eddie met in middle school because you seemed to be the only ones who cared about each other. now after many years of friendship, eddie starts to realize he may be in love with his best friend. 

warnings: kissing, language, i think that's it

*I'M ALIVE! i am so sorry i haven't updated in forever! i have been so busy with school and am finally on my first break! to those of you who still have requests, i hope to get them done soon! you guys are the best! thank you! also so sorry because i really didn't know where this one was going lol* 


"I'm serious this time Y/N! I really want to graduate!" Eddie pleaded with you as you both sat on his bed. You and Eddie were best friends, and ever since you graduated last year and he was held back, Eddie stopped caring about his grades since you weren't there to stay on top of them.

"I think you're going to need a lot more than tutoring then." You joked. Eddie grabbed the pillow from behind his head and threw it at you, who was sitting at the end of the bed.

"Will you please just help me?" Eddie questioned, staring at you with his beautiful eyes.

"Fine, but you owe me."

"I'll cook you dinner every night." Eddie offered.

"As much as I love your PB and J sandwiches, I cannot eat those every single night." You told him, laughing.

"You didn't say no all of those years ago." Eddie pointed out.

"I was twelve and stupid, clearly." You joked. Eddie stuck his tongue out, throwing another pillow at you.

"Edward Munson?" Your teacher, Mrs. Allen, called Eddie's name while taking role, him nowhere to be seen. Eddie hadn't missed class before, and although you never had the guts to talk to him, you always noticed that he was there.

After class, you asked Mrs. Allen if you could take Eddie the schoolwork he'd missed. You didn't know why you wanted to do this, you just felt that you should. You had noticed that Eddie didn't have any friends, just like you. You never understood why because you thought that his singing and air-guitar playing in class was cool, but obviously no one else did.

After school, you walked to Eddie's house, him living seven trailers down from you. You began to shake a little as you knocked on his front door. He answered it after two knocks, causing you to step back a little bit.

"Hi?" Eddie questioned more than greeted. "Y/N, right?"

"I didn't realize you knew who I was." You stated, regretting sounding like an idiot.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked, ignoring your statement.

"You missed class today, so I wanted to bring you your work." You explained.

"Why?" You didn't know what to say, because you didn't know exactly why either.

"I just thought you'd like to work on it so you don't fall behind." You covered. Eddie stood there, clearly confused. "I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't of," You said, handing him the papers. "I'll get going."

"No!" Eddie shouted louder than he meant to, making you stop and turn back around. "Do you want to come inside? I was about to make a PB and J, and they're really good."

"That's the only thing I know how to make too." You said, laughing. "My mom said I'm not old enough to use real knives or anything. I'm almost a teenager, I think she's nuts." You added on. Eddie laughed, staring at you.

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