i was made for loving you | drabble-ish

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requested by: eddiemunsonnlover

summary: you and eddie sing and dance to 'i was made for lovin' you' by KISS & fall more in love with each other <3

warnings: language, spicyyy

*KISS is my favorite band and i love this song so this made me happy*


You lived for the lazy Saturdays at Eddie's trailer while his uncle was away. You would cuddle, cook, make out, making out would lead to other things; it was perfect. Today was one of those days. You stood in the living room, singing "I was made for lovin' you" by KISS as it played.

"Do do do, do-do, do-do, do do!" You sang, swaying with the beat. You wore nothing but Eddie's Hellfire shirt, underwear and socks. Eddie stood by the counter, admiring you. "Tonight, I wanna give it all to you..." You pointed at Eddie seductively, him smirking. "In the darkness, there's so much I want to do!" You continued singing and dancing, jumping up and down occasionally.

"I was made for lovin' you, baby, you were made for lovin' me!" Eddie jumped in, finally joining you in your chaotic singing and dancing. "And I can't get enough of you baby..." Eddie sang, grabbing your waist and pulling you to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, the both of you dancing together, singing the lyrics in sync.

"I love you so much." You told him as he pulled you closer.

"I am so in love with you. I fall more in love with you on days like this." Eddie told you. He picked you up, carrying you to the counter. You wrapped your legs tightly around him, your hands getting lost in his hair as your kisses became more intense. The song was still playing in the background, almost drowning out your moans as Eddie ran his hands over the sensitive parts of your body.

"I was made for lovin' you, baby!" You suddenly broke out, pulling away from Eddie's lips. Eddie laughed, watching you nod your head back and forth with the song.

"Can I show you that I was made for loving you?" Eddie whispered in your ear, sending chills down your body.

"Please do."

Eddie began kissing your neck, his hands under his shirt you were wearing, all over your waist and curves. His hands went to your thighs, slowly moving up them to your very apparent wetness. You moaned in response to his teasing, making Eddie smirk against your neck that he was leaving a dark mark on. He continued to rub the outside of your underwear, making you go crazy.

"Eddie..." You complained.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Eddie questioned innocently.

"I don't believe you were made for loving me if you keep teasing me like that." You joked.

"Oh really?" Eddie didn't warn you before he put two fingers inside of you, causing you to let out a little scream of pleasure.

"Fuck!" You let out, moaning.

"Still don't believe it?" Eddie teased.

"Oh shut up." You barely got out through your moaning. Eddie smiled and kissed your forehead, pulling his fingers out. "We should play that song on repeat if I get sexy time out of it." You told Eddie.

"Sexy time?" He laughed.

"Yeah, sexy time. Don't judge me." Eddie lifted you off the counter, putting you down on the couch and putting the song back on. He laid down on top of you, caressing your face.

"I would never judge you." He told you, smiling.

"Why'd you put the song back on, hmm?" You teased. Eddie ran his hands down your body once more and smirked at you.

"Only because you wanted me to."

"Oh yes, totally." Eddie attacked you with kisses, you both giggling like crazy. You began singing again, Eddie joining in.

"I can't get enough of you..." Eddie sang quietly against your ear, which he knew was your weakness amongst other things he did that drove you crazy. You brought your lips together once more, them moving in sync. You pulled away after a few minutes, smiling at him. You both falling deeper in love.

"I was made for lovin' you, baby. You were made for lovin' me..."


sorry it's short! i didn't want to take away from the main part of dancing and singing in the living room which could only be drawn out so much lol

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