hey jude | drabble

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requested by: itsthestevesknees

summary: eddie is having nightmares and you sing to him to help him fall asleep <3

warnings: none

*i'm sorry this is so short!*


You ended up spending the night at Eddie's after a long night of campaigning at the high school. The boys refused to call it quits, even when midnight hit. Eddie gave you one of his shirts to sleep in, which always made you happy. You took off your clothes and changed into his shirt, leaving you in that and your underwear. When you walked out of the bathroom, Eddie was already in bed.

"You look exhausted. Long day or you still haven't been sleeping?" You questioned, laying down next to him. He pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you.

"Just a long day of kicking your asses."

"We beat you." You stated, smirking.

"Never." Eddie yawned, and snuggled into your touch. He was asleep within minutes, which allowed you to finally get some rest.


You woke up to the sudden scream and jolt from Eddie next to you. You shot up with him, immediately grabbing him and pulling him into your arms. You caressed his head, whispering that it's okay, he's okay.

"The nightmares won't stop." Eddie panted.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Eddie didn't answer, he just held onto you tighter. Ever since his battle in the Upside Down with the bats, he has had nightmares. Chrissy and Patrick dying, you and him getting torn apart by demo-bats; it all replayed in his head every night.



"Can you sing to me?" Eddie asked. You smiled.

"What do you want me to sing? I don't know if Enter Sandman is in my vocal range tonight." You joked. Eddie responded, mumbling something you couldn't understand. "What?"

"Hey Jude..." Eddie spoke up shyly. You nodded, smiling. You laid down and motioned for Eddie to follow. He laid his head on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him.

"Next time you have a nightmare, I don't care what time it is, call me." You told him. He nodded, tearing up. You hated seeing him like this. "I love you so much." You whispered.

"I love you more." You kissed his head, and he held you closer as you began to sing.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad... take a sad song and make it better... remember to let her into your heart... then you can start to make it better... Hey Jude, don't be afraid... you were made to go out and get her... the minute you let her under your skin... then you begin to make it better..."

You noticed Eddie's heavy breathing as you continued to sing, knowing he was asleep. You stopped, and got relaxed so you could get some sleep. You were worried about Eddie, but knew he was safe in your arms for the night. 

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