am i dead?

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prompts included: "she's not yours" & "take off your shirt" & "you know, you're adorable when you're mad" "i will literally kill you" & "am i dead?" 

summary: you get seriously hurt while fighting the bats, and eddie notices right away because he's in love with you <3

warnings: language, mentions of sex, gore??

[takes place in volume one but the storyline is different!]

***ok i don't want to spoil volume two if anyone hasn't seen it yet, but guys... i am seriously utterly destroyed. i have never been so attached to a show or character before. even when writing this i was losing my mind, and nothing sad happens in this. i am just going to keep telling myself that the duffers will bring eddie back in season five and he is alive and ok. otherwise i am going to keep losing my mind...***

**i am also slowly working on requests! sorry they're taking so long!**


When Steve got pulled down into the gate, you didn't hesitate to jump in after him. He has saved your life more times than you could count, and he was your best friend. When you jumped in, Eddie didn't waste any time going in after you either.

The demo-bats surrounded you and Steve, grabbing and scratching at anything they could, tearing you both apart. The rest of the group suddenly arrived, helping both of you. As you were slowly getting up off of the ground, a bat came out of nowhere, knocking you down extremely hard once again. Your vision blurred, but you stood up as if nothing happened. Eddie took notice of your condition and stood by your side.

When it was finally clear, the five of you ran for the woods, taking cover.

"You're hurt," Eddie told you, assessing your wounds.

"I'm fine." You said, trying to put the attention back on Steve, who was bleeding everywhere.

"Y/N, you're not fine." Eddie kept pushing it, not wanting the girl that he is madly in love with, that he has been in love with since the day he met you freshman year, be in pain.

"I agree with Eddie, you need to sit down for a sec." Steve chimed in. Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Guys I'm fine!"

"Y/N, stop. Just sit down." Steve went to grab your arm, but Eddie stopped him.

"She's not yours, so she doesn't need your help," Eddie told Steve. You all looked at Eddie, very confused.

"What? I don't know what that even has to do with anything. She's my best friend. And last time I checked, she wasn't yours either." Steve walked closer to Eddie.

"Am I dead?" You questioned. The group looked at you.

"Why would you ask that?" Steve questioned.

"Because I think Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson are fighting over me, so I must be dead." You said. Nancy and Robin laughed, while the boys gave each other dirty looks.

"I'd hate to break up this wonderful moment, but we need to get the hell out of here," Nancy said, breaking some of the tension.

"Agreed." You said, stepping forward towards Nancy.

"Everything from our world is still here, right? Except people, obviously?" Robin asked.

"As far as I understand, yeah." Nancy answered.

"So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate." Robin pointed out.

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