the only thing i want for christmas is you

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summary: you and eddie get into a fight before steve's christmas dinner party, and you spend the whole dinner mad at eddie. but your sweet boyfriend will do anything to ensure you will stop being mad at him <3

warnings: language, mentions of sex, angst, i think that's it??

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! i have a few more imagines to write, so be on the look out for those the next few days! :) make sure to check out steve's holiday imagines as well!! i love all of you so much and your support is absolutely incredible! every kind word about my writing is so sweet and honestly means more than you even know! <3 writing fanfic is such a stress reliever to me because it takes me out of my head and into a world of a fiction show that i love. i hope you all have an amazing holiday!!! <3 


"Happy holidays my love!" Eddie shouted into your house, the smell of cookies filling his senses.

"In the kitchen!" You yelled back.

"Whoa, you really made enough cookies to feed an army!" Eddie exclaimed, looking at the baked goods all over your kitchen.

Steve invited the two of you over for his annual Christmas dinner party, and this was the first year Eddie was invited, so you wanted to make sure he made a good impression, and cookies always help.

"Have you met our friends? It is an army of hormonal teenagers who love to eat." You said, leaning in to kiss Eddie.

"True," Eddie added, taking a bite of a sugar cookie. "How long have you been baking?"

"Since six."

"In the morning?!" Eddie said with shock, making you smile and roll your eyes.

"Not all of us sleep until two in the afternoon."

"One in the afternoon, for your information." Eddie corrected. You threw an M&M at him, which he caught and threw into his mouth.

You finished packing up all of the cookies, making sure they were wrapped in cute boxes. Eddie managed to steal a few more without you noticing, and helped you carry the boxes to his van.

"Are you still staying at my place tonight?" Eddie asked as he placed the boxes down.

"Yeah, if that's fine with you." You said, getting in the front seat.

"Duh," Eddie replied, starting the van and letting it warm up.

Eddie began driving to Steve's house, you finalizing your makeup and hair in the mirror. You looked back at your duffle bag, and the boxes of cookies, scanning the empty space next to them. Your head slowly turned to Eddie, anger boiling inside of you.

"Where are the presents for everyone?" You questioned. Eddie's eyes went wide.

"Uhh." Was all Eddie could get out.

"Did you forget to buy the gifts, Eddie?! Please tell me you got them and just forgot them at your house!" You shouted, trying to control your anger.

"I may or may not have completely forgotten to go buy them..."

"Eddie, I gave you a list! Is it really that hard to do something for your girlfriend?"

"Y/N, I'm sorry. We can stop right now and get stuff." Eddie told you.

"No, we don't have time. I can't believe you. I never ask for anything, and the time I do, you'd rather sleep all day." You said, extremely frustrated.

"Seriously? I'm sorry I forgot! Just drop it."

"Just drop it? Wow, okay, I'll just drop it." You returned, glad to see you were pulling up to Steve's house and could get away from Eddie. You knew you should've gone shopping yourself instead of trusting him.

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