don't you leave me, don't you dare

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prompt: "don't you leave me, don't you dare"

summary: you find eddie at the lake house and he is absolutely terrified because of everything he just witnesses. you comfort him as he cries in your arms, letting his guard down. 

warnings: language? 

*takes place in season four* 


When you heard Eddie was the main suspect in the murders, you knew that would never be true. Eddie may be a drug dealer, metalhead, and D&D god, but he was not a killer. You needed to know where he was, you needed to go find him, but when your mom saw the news, she said you were to go nowhere near that 'satanic freak'. You started crying in front of her, explaining that he would never do that and the Hellfire Club isn't actually a devil-worshipping cult. As always though, she never wanted to give Eddie the benefit of the doubt. When you heard loud knocking on the door, and saw Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Max standing there, you were relieved.

"Please tell me he's ok." You said, hugging Dustin.

"We don't know. That's why we're here. We figured you'd know where to find him." Dustin explained. You turned back to see your mom preoccupied with the news, and you snuck out the front door without her noticing.

"She will kill me when she knows I'm gone. She completely freaked out when she saw the news. Started cussing me out and said I couldn't be near Eddie or you guys anymore." You explained to the group. You all made your way to Steve's car, Robin giving you a side hug as you walked to it.

"So, Y/N, where are we heading?"

"Start driving, I'll tell you how to get there."

When you got to the lake house, it was dark. You knew exactly where Eddie would be. You went to the boat shed out back and looked around, the gang behind you.

"Eddie, sweetheart?" You called out. Nothing. "It's Y/N and the nerds."

"Do not include me in that," Steve retorted.

"Why is Harrington here?" You suddenly heard. It came from the boat. Eddie. You immediately took the tarp off, revealing your boyfriend Eddie. You both wrapped your arms around each other, not wanting to let go.

"You had me so worried." You told him. You pulled away to kiss him while the guys behind you made noises as if they were going to throw up. You shot them the finger while you sunk your lips more into Eddie's. You finally broke away with a smirk on your face. Eddie was so shook up, he couldn't even find humor in the situation like he normally does.

"We need to know what happened." Robin finally said. Eddie got out of the boat and slid down the wall across from him.

"You won't believe me." Eddie let out, pain in his voice.

"Trust me, we will." You assured Eddie, holding his hand, leaning down to face him.

As he explained what happened, you were horrified. You felt so bad that Eddie had to witness that. You tried to keep him out of all of this, to keep him safe, and he ended up getting roped in.

"I left her there." Eddie said. "You all think I'm crazy, right?"

"No, we don't think you're crazy at all!" Dustin said.

"Don't bullshit me man, I know how this sounds!" Eddie screamed, ready to breakdown any second. You pulled him to you, holding onto him tightly, him holding on even tighter.

"Honey, we believe you. We aren't bullshitting you, I promise. We've been through things like this before." You told Eddie. He broke away from you and looked at you, extremely confused.

"Yeah. What we're about to tell you might be a little... difficult to take." Dustin started.

"Ok..." Eddie said quietly.

"You know how some people say Hawkins is cursed? They're not way off..." Dustin and the group explained to Eddie what has been happening the last few years. He had tears in his eyes the whole time, clearly trying not to cry in front of the group. He has only ever cried in front of you.

"So what's our game plan? We know it's Vecna's curse. What now?" Steve questioned.

"Y/N, you should probably get home before your mom kills you. You said you were already on dangerous ground." This statement from Dustin infuriated Eddie. You couldn't leave him.

"Don't you leave me, don't you dare." Eddie sobbed into your arms. The group was extremely confused by this expression of feelings from the tough, loud, long haired metalhead that was usually on the lunch table flipping off basketball players. You couldn't hold back your tears either, feeling so awful for Eddie and what he is going through.

"Eddie, honey, I won't, ok? I'm right here. I'll stay with you while the others go get food. Screw my mom. She's going to be pissed either way so why go back now." You assured Eddie. Despite the fact that the group probably should've given you two your space, the nosey brats stayed anyway.

"I don't know why life has to suck so fucking much for me. Besides you, I have no one." Eddie said.

"That's not true. You have Dustin too. Look at the effort they all went through to find you. To make sure you were ok." You told him. He was still buried into your neck, tears flowing. "It'll be ok, I promise. We've been through more than you can imagine, and we are somewhat ok and not completely traumatized... right guys..."


"For sure!"

"What have you guys been through specifically that traumatized you? Maybe it'll make me feel better. Because I will never recover from this. Ever." Eddie said. You lightly laughed and gave him your jacket to clean his tear-stained face and he pulled away from you.

"Well, I saw Dustin's stupid demodog, Dart, eat my cat, and his. We all saw Max's brother Billy killed by the Mind Flayer right in front of us. Steve has had his ass kicked more times than I count in this whole process, all by humans, no monsters." Everyone laughed at that last part, Steve telling you to fuck off. "We know a girl that has superpowers and she tore apart a couple monsters one time and that was intense. I think I could go on for hours." You put your hands on Eddie's face and kissed his forehead.

"I didn't understand half of that, and I don't think I ever want to." Eddie said, lightly laughing. "You told me Toast ran away." Eddie said, realizing now what happened to your cat that he loved. You mouth I'm sorry and put your hands up in surrender. Eddie smiled. 

"There's that beautiful smile that I love." You said to him. He pulled you in for a hug again. "You guys go get supplies. I'll stay here." You told the group, standing up and hugging Dustin.

"Are you sure?" Steve questioned.

"Yeah. I need to be here. Go." You assured. They nodded their heads and made their way out.

You went back to Eddie's side, sitting down next to him. You pulled him in for another hug, his head laying on your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair and rubbed his back. You felt his breathing relax every second.

"I love you so much." Eddie told you.

"I love you more. It will be ok, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Eddie whispered. You hugged him tighter, not letting go. You didn't want to hear that. You wanted your promise to stick. You wanted everyone to be ok. You needed them to be. 


kinda left it on a cliffhanger because i dont know what will happen in vol two and gosh I AM SO SCARED. hopefully this was a lot of soft eddie for yall! i am getting caught up with requests slowly! i am out of town and only writing when i can!

make sure to vote!

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