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"You're fucking useless!"

"Why can't you just be normal?"

"Look in the mirror, you useless piece of shit!"

"Why do you have to be such a dumbass?"

"Yeah, Sapnap wants to get rid of you, he hates you now."

"Well done for piling your shit on him!"

"Ughhh! FUCK OFF!!" Clay shouted, slamming his fist into the mirror, glass shattering everywhere.

"Clay? Are you okay? What's going on in there?" Sapnap shouted from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I-I'll clean it u- I-I mean- Err Y-Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? It doesn't sound fine..." Sapnap questioned with a hint of concern.

"U-Uhh Yeah, totally fine!" Clay said, thinking he sounded really convincing.

"Clay. Stop lying to me, I KNOW YOU. Open the door..." 

"What?! I-I'm naked!" He fibbed.

"Bro I don't. Give a fuck. Open. The door."

"Fine..." Dream sighed. Yet another thing he's fucked up.

"What was the point in that?"

"He's gonna be so happy when you leave."

"You should just leave early and ignore him, he already hates you."

"SHUT UP!!!" 

"Idk who you're talking to but you seriously need to open this door Clay before I break it down"

It was too late, Clay was already curled up in the corner, balling his eyes out yet again, mind fuzzy, cant think. Barely breathing. Out of it. He can't hear anything. Not his brother bashing the door in, not even their beloved cat Patches who was desperate to get through the door, meowing. 

"Excuse me Patches please!" Sapnap spoke. With that, the door burst open, Patches scurrying to Clay's side. "Clay? Brother? Are you okay? Clayyy??" Not responding, he probably passed out from hyperventilating again. He quickly scooped Patches up and put down some food for her before scurrying back to the bathroom with a brush and pan. He sets them behind the door, sitting next to Clay; holding his hand. "Clay, I know you can hear me, wake up." he pleaded. "Wake up Clay." He rubbed circles into his back and as Clay woke up, he burst out crying yet again. 

"WHY?!" He cried. "WHY ARE THEY BACK?" Clay screamed, his voice cracking.

Oh Shit. The voices are back. Wtf am I supposed to do... Sapnap thought to himself.

"I can't go to Florida Sapnap. I can't." Clay sobbed.

"You can. Hop in the shower, you'll feel much better. I'll clean this glass up don't you worry." Sapnap reassured, sweeping up the last few shards of glass.

Clay hopped in the shower, allowing hot water to weave through the fresh cuts between his knuckles. He hissed slightly, enjoying the pain. He thought- no. He knew that he deserved it. He deserved pain. Deserved to feel nothing but hatred for himself. He spent a few minutes just watching the water run over his hand before finally showering. He got out and put on his Black Smile hoodie and some matching sweatpants before walking over to Sapnap's door.

"Hey Sapnap...?" He said through his knocks at the door. "Are you decent?"

"Yeah come in."

Clay opened the door to find Sapnap in his Black Fire Hoodie and the same, matching sweatpants he had put on minutes before. "I swear you can read minds or something bro." he remarked. "Do you feel better now?" 

"Yeah, thanks for helping me..." Clay said looking to the floor.

"Always and forever brother! Now, are you ready for the best night of your life?!"

"....I guess-"


They arrive at a huge night club, music was blasting through the open doors, creating an echo around them in the empty street. A few people getting taxis there and back... you know the typical things you'd expect to see. 

"Taa-daa!" Sapnap said, waving his hands around.

"I appreciate the efforts you've gone to in order to ensure I have the best last day before moving Sapnap-" Clay started.

"But...?" Sapnap cut in.

"But... you know I don't like night clubs. I don't like all the people, the reminder of my past and just the reminder of hi-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. I'm sorry I forgot about that- I mean I didn't forget as such- I looked past it and I'm sorry. I didn't realize you still thought about-... It's a good job I have a Plan 'B'." He said quoting his fingers; dragging Clay into yet another uber. 

"Before we go in, I'm going to need you to put this blindfold on." Sapnap grinned.

"Wai- What- Fine..." Clay stuttered, slipping it over his eyes. As Sapnap dragged him out of the uber and into a building.

"Okay, you can take off your blindfold now." Sapnap informed.

And off came the mask...


Soo... ik this is a dnf story... we are about to go ito the 3rd (YES 3RD) Chapter with no Gogy to be seen. I promise, he'll be here soon <3

I hope you're enjoying the story :))

(btw i have been up all night writing these first few chapters and it is currently 7:37am...) 

Anyways see you again next chapter!

-Envy <3

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