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"Fine... I'll put him on loud speaker-"


3rd Person POV

"Hey Clay! Didn't think you would actually answer." Sapnap spoke through the phone.

"Hey brother, what's up?" Clay replied.

"I could ask you the same thing, man..." Sapnap said in a worried tone.

"I am so sorry- I- I got so caught up with finishing your surprise..." Clay said, disappointed in himself. "You're on loud speaker by the way- George is here."

"Hi!" George said, forcing a grin onto his face.

"Oh- Hi! Is this the mystery man you were telling me about Clay?" Sapnap said eagerly.

"Y- You spoke to him about me? A- a man of mystery... I like it." George said, glancing from the phone to look at Clay.

"Y- Yeah..." Clay stuttered, blushing as a grin appeared on George's face.

"Great to put a name and voice to solve the mystery that Clay left me with at least." Sapnap said, slipping out a slight laugh. "It'll be great to see you when I come to visit; I'll be busy for like the next three weeks though so don't call me either of you. I've got a shit ton to do-"

"Yeah... I've heard great things about you Sapnap." George let out.

"I haven't told you anything about him-" Clay whispered to George.

"You don't need to... He's worried about you, you know?" George voiced into Clay's head.

"Why are you in my head?" He questioned, whispering again.

"Because- he doesn't even know about my powers. Does he?" George voiced yet again.

"I-" Clay stuttered.

"Yeah. Didn't think so Dream." George said, no longer in Clay's head.

"Hey, are you guys still- Wait... what did you just say George?" Sapnap had said in both an inquisitive yet confused tone. "Did he just call you Dr-"

"It doesn't matter Sap, it's a joke. No biggie." Dream blurted out as a light shade of rose pink began to bloom over his cheeks.

George stared at Dream, noticing his face slowly changing to a light pink, to a deeper pink, into almost a shade of crimson.

"So- uhh... What are- What are you going to be doing for like- three weeks anyway Sap?" Dream asked, changing the subject.

"Just setting stuff up for Patches. Bad is going to help me aswell-" he managed to fib before Clay cut him off.

"That's going to take you three weeks?!" He said, almost in shock.

"Yeah... Patches- She really misses you. A LOT." He emphasised.

"Wh- Who's Patches...?" George asked, unintentionally slipping out his words with a tone of concern.

"She's our cat." Clay and Sapnap both replied together.

"Oh..." George said, embarrassment rising from his gut to his face, turning him almost the same crimson colour Dream had been moments before.

Clay raised an eyebrow and grinned mischievously.

"Shut up Dream." George said, turning away to hide his face.

"Okay Lowercase."

"Anyway- uhm... I'm uh- I think I'm going to go and uhh- start setting up Patches' stuff now..." Sapnap said awkwardly.

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