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"George...?" Dream whispered. "Are you okay?"

George didn't reply. He was still gazing at the wall silently...

"Hellooo? Georgeee?" Dream attempted again but to no avail.

"Come on, it's all going to be okay! Come on, talk to me..." Dream pleaded, hoping to get through, alas, he did not.

George slumped down with his eyes shut, he pretty much just passed out and Dream began to panic.




Doctor Phil burst through the door with, at first, a slight grin. He came in with some paperwork for Dream and George to fill out; supposedly paperwork to allow George to be discharged but the grin on his face soon turned into a look of concern and worry for Dream.

"Hey, are you okay? What's going on?" Phil asked, rushing to Dream's side.

"He- He- George?!" Dream screamed, pulling frantically at George's arm.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Just focus on calming down for me, okay? Come, sit down over here for me." Phil said as he ushered Dream into the corner.

"H- How- How can I- Calm down- W- Wh- When he- He's lying there- A- And- Just- " Dream fought through shallow breaths.

"It's okay, he's fine, everybody is okay. There's no need to panic. He's just resting."

"N- N- No he's not! I- I just saw- His- I just saw- Him- His body slump- Down- He just- He just died- He died in front of me!" Dream struggled through fleeting breaths, backing up towards the wall.

"Hey, he's fine, okay? He's just resting." The doctor repeated.

"S- So- So why is he resting? H- He was fine a minute ago a- and then he- he just-"

"It's okay. He is fine, trust me."

"How can I trust you? I know what I saw, and you don't believe me!"


"No! Look at him!"

"Yeah... He's just sleeping."

"No, he's not! He literally just died in front of me!"

"Then why is the monitor still displaying norma-"

The monitor interrupted Phil presenting a flatline. 



"I- I can't..."


"I mean... I can't." Phil repeated with guilt-ridden look of disappointment.


"It's... complicated."

"But... George...?"

"I'm sorry."

"So that's it? Is- Is- Is he- Is he dead?!"

"Not yet."

"So- H- He's- He's going to die?!"

"I don't know..."

Dream slid down the wall and curled up into a ball. He buried his head between his knees and wrapped his arms around himself, sobbing.

"Hey, it's alright mate."

Dream didn't reply, he was just sobbing violently.

"What can I do to make him feel better...? I don't even know what's going to happen to the patient..." Phil thought to himself.

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