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"What? Where are you dragging me?"

"We are going to see Sap. Now."


And with that, Karl drove; Quackity gave him directions and within a couple of minutes, they were parked up on the drive.

"Come on, idiot!" Quackity shouted, knocking on Sapnap's door.

Karl dragged himself out of the car. Don't get him wrong, he cared a lot about Sapnap, more than he'd currently like to admit but at this moment, he just didn't think Sapnap wanted to be with him, especially after randomly going home earlier on.

"Oh, hi Quackity!" Sapnap said as he opened the door, pulling him into a hug. "I haven't seen you for ages, whatever you been up to?"

"I could ask you the same thing man!" Quackity replied, looking behind him and stepping aside to reveal Karl.

"Karl! What're you doing here?"

"I- We just-" Karl stuttered.

"I dragged him here. He thinks that... you didn't want to be with him and you wouldn't want to see him again-"

"Well... that's not exactly what I said..."

"Come in, both of you. I'm sure Patches will enjoy the company."

As the trio walked into the house, Patches almost immediately ran at them. She jumped into Sapnap's arms, jumping to the ground shortly after.

"Hey Princess, we have company!" Sapnap said.

She walked between Quackity's legs as a welcome before halting at Karl's presence.

"Hey Patches!" Quackity said, bending down to pet her on the head.

"What's up Patches? Karl's nice, you can trust him." Sapnap reassured.

She approached Karl's shoe, sniffing it, her whiskers brushing over his laces. Karl slowly bent his knees and offered his hand to Patches and as she sniffed it, she nudged her head into his fingers.

"There we go, she trusts you. You can all sit down, just not here." He said pointing to a soft pillow on one of the sofas. "That's where Patches sits and I normally sit next to her." He explained.

"Okay." Both Quackity and Karl said.

Karl sat at one end of the bigger sofa, Quackity on the other and Sapnap and Patches where they were shown only seconds ago.

"Karl I- I honestly did want to spend more time with you today but I can't leave Patches for too long, she-"

"I... I know- she seemed so excited to see Quackity when we walked in... Hey, two weeks and we will all be in Florida right?" Karl interrupted.

"Yeah! Wait- who's looking after Patches...?" Quackity asked.

"Actually... she's coming with me." Sapnap answered.

"Yoo, really? That'll be so cool! She gets to see Clay!" Quackity shouted.

"Yeah! I told Bad that he shouldn't look after Patches and to not say anything because I wanted to take her with me without Clay finding out so I can surprise him." Sapnap started. "I guess I can still surprise him but Quackity? You're the worst at keeping secrets!" He finished with a laugh.

"Hey... I'm not that bad-" Quackity complained.

"You really are, I told you that I was gonna be taking you to Florida with me and you went and told everyone after I told you not to." Karl interrupted and they all began to laugh.

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