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"Hey, Uhh- You- Are you-" A voice stuttered, approaching George from behind.

"Hey, George? Do you know this guy?" Sapnap asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uhhh... Not that I can remember, no... Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Wilbur but you can all call me Will- Uhm- I- I'm sorry I'm not really sure what to say... I feel... as if I'm within the presence of royalty and I'm sure you can tell-"

"You're nervous. It's okay, we are just normal guys, doing normal things in a normal-"

"Not so normal." Dream thought to himself, causing George to stop mid-sentence.

George turned to his left and looked at Dream.

"What?" Dream asked, confused.

"You know what, Dre-"

"So you are George- You're a Supreme! This is so cool!"

George and Sapnap gave Dream a look as if to ask, "Are you okay?" but Dream just walked away. And Karl stood perplexed about the whole situation.

"And what's up with that gu- Oh wait- Let me just find it..." Wilbur started as he began to flip through a, what looked like, a homemade diary-like book. "Ah, yes. Here it is- It says..."


Dream had stormed off- Who knows where, this place is HUGE. Sapnap looked to George hoping to receive a look of consent to go and make sure that Dream was okay, but George just shook his head lightly.

"Ah, here it is! It says: "Saved. Saved by his own trauma, saved by his own problems but not only his. They shared similar issues but said issues were actually rather different from the others and- Sacrifice? That's the action of which led him to wherever he is now, walking or flying, living and breathing. He's alive. He's just a normal guy. Normal as in being himself but different as in special. Special as in sacrificing himself to save others. To save the people who not only needed love but those who also deserved it and, even if he knew it, whether he thought it to be or not, he deserved love also. Saved. Saved by the God himself. Saved by what seemed to be impossible, saved by who seemed to be non-existent, mostly unheard of. They were similar beings but said beings were actually rather different from the other and to be... Knighted? That's the action of which gave him honor, to be who he is, saving or guarding, living and breathing. He's alive. He's just a "normal" guy. "Normal" as in working almost constantly but different as in never working. Never working as in always. Always as in forever. To work for Techno? Oh- What a job... It's not easy. Being normal? Being unnoticeably different? Being special? Being one of Techno's Supreme's? It's the most difficult job in the world but-"

"Stop." George said bluntly.

"But I'm nearly finished..." Wilbur said with a look of disappointment. "You let me go on this long-"

"He said stop. Look, you seem like a decent guy, but you shouldn't believe everything you read." Sapnap urged.

"But this isn't even just something I found-"

"Sure." George said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Okay- Well, it is but-"

"No buts, please. We came here to have fun. Now Dream has ran off and we need to find him. So, if you don't mind, we need to go." George said, walking past the young man who seemed sort of crushed.

"Wait... Did you just say Dream?" Wilbur said aloud, turning around.

They were gone. Somewhere. Just like in his dad's diary. However, it was just slightly more dramatic in the small book that he was holding. You see, Wilbur's father had previously worked for Techno, but he quit because he was framed. Framed by Techno. (A/N: Obviously there's more context but you'll have to keep reading to find out. Anyway-)

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