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"Okay, you can take off your blindfold now." Sapnap informed.

And off came the mask...


It was pitch black. "What are we doing here, it's literally pitch black in here." Clay said with a disappointed tone lingering within his voice.

"Just wait for it." Sapnap spoke, leading him towards a huge chair which sat behind probably the longest table Clay had ever seen in his life. "Sit there. I'll be back in a second." he ordered, turning on his feet as he did so.

"Wait..." Clay paused, his best friend turning to face him presenting a confused look. "You're gonna leave me here...? By myself- i-in this huge, empty room...? I- it's way too dark in here..." he continued.

"Bro. Listen. All you gotta do is sit here for maybe like 90 seconds and w- I will be back." Sapnap explained. He jogged around the corner before Clay could say or do anything else, followed by lots of rustling. Clay couldn't stand being alone in the dark, his mind would always trick him into thinking he was all alone in another world and anything he would come into contact with would eventually end up trying to kill him. No matter what he ever did, he could never distract his mind when in the dark. It was always Sapnap who ended up saving him. Sapnap didn't even know about how Clay struggled in complete darkness- it's why he never got a decent amount of sleep; he never really dreamed anyway...

He didn't know what he would do without Sapnap-

"You'd probably be dead." A voice in his head interrupted.

"Yeah what would you do without your little brother?" 

"What're you gonna do when you leave tomorrow?"

"Aww, he's gonna just sit there. In his room. Sobbing in the corner, telling himself he's a worthless nothing."

"Look at the state you're in Clay. All you're ever going to achieve is nothing. You'll forever be worthless, a useless nobody bringing nothing but sadness into people's lives."

"STOP! LEAVE! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! P-Please just leave me alone- I just want to be normal and happy, whether that be with or without him but either way I'll never and I mean NEVER turn my back on him. So. I suggest you FUCK OFF."

"Clay? You good bro?" Sapnap said peering around the corner. 

"I- I guess..." Clay replied, exhausted due to being constantly attacked by his own brain. The joy in his heart was fading away too. How people thought he was happy- How people didn't notice he was feeling low... It baffled him but he was glad that he didn't have to face it 24/7. He just had to put up with the voices. For now...

Suddenly, a bright light was shining in his face, confetti falling from the ceiling, gradually covering the floor. Before he could even begin to process what was happening, Sapnap ran from around the corner carrying a huge blanket. He was followed by Bad holding a massive picnic hamper, Quackity who was holding a smallish box, and Skeppy who was running straight at Clay, his arms wide open, smiling.

~Clay POV~

I embraced Skeppy, looking over to Sapnap, who just stared at me with hopeful eyes. "I love it." I said with a small grin. Skeppy pulled away from me as everyone but Sapnap piled on top of me. I could stand here forever hugging these guys. They've done so much for me and we have all been through so much together. I'm not sure what I'm going to do without them but I'm sure tha-

"Hey brother." said Sapnap, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey. I can't imagine how much effort you've put into this. I honestly could never thank you enough. I love this but... Can I just ask you about something?" I asked, as I started grinning.

"Yeah, of course. What's up?"

"What was with the night club? I questioned.

"Dude- I don't know, Quackity was taking forever and I just... Told the uber driver to take us somewhere fun. Turns out it wasn't just a night club either..." he said with a disgusted look.

I just burst out laughing, tears seeping from the corners of my eyes. Sapnap just stared at me with a grin before he started cry laughing too. Everyone else just stared at us confused. "Ok-ay so you're telling me- that the night club wasn't- it wasn't even- it was a-" I managed to let out between wheezes before being cut off by Bad.

"What the heck are you guys talking about? Can we eat yet?" He asked.

"Yeah tuck in you guys." Sapnap spoke, walking towards them. We were just staring at each other trying so hard not to laugh. He whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry about earlier." He looked like he was filled with nothing but guilt... I just gave a smile in reply before the both of us sat down.


They'd all finished eating and I didn't want the night to end. I wished that time could be paused in order to delay my flight the next morning so I could stay with my friends for longer. Be happy for longer. That's all I want. To be happy. Spend all my free time with my friends... But I have to leave. I need a fresh start... For him. For my friends. For me...

I stood up and thanked them all, saying my goodbyes. 

"I was thinking to myself yesterday." Bad said with a look of sadness as I faced them all.

"Oh yeah? What were you thinking about?" I replied. "Were you thinking about that boyyy?" I whispered, releasing a small chuckle.

"No- Well not really... Anyway- I was thinking about how to say goodbye to you because I have known you for so long and-" I interrupted.

"Bad. Listen. Goodbyes aren't always forever. You know I will come to visit every now and again. You can keep having fun here while I try to find an alternative way of living. I need to. My head isn't able to work around the things that I want to do and so I'm moving in order to clear my head and... Heal my heart." I explained hesitantly.

"I hope you find what you need Clay." he spoke, bringing me into a hug.

"Thank you. I'll see you soon, I promise."

I hugged them all goodbye.

And with that, Sapnap and I headed home.


Hi, hope you're enjoying the story! 

Remember to keep hydrated and do what makes you happy :)

Have something to eat and grab a bottle of water before continuing <3

(It's going to be another long one)

Have a good rest of your day and like I say every chapter, see you in the next one! (Well, if you continue reading that is) 

Anyway, bye! <3


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