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(Clay's thoughts are in italics and brackets as shown. They'll also be underlined)


"How do you not now if you're dead?!" Clay questioned.


Clay could only hope that this voice was not dead; that he was an actual person and not a ghost or a figment of his imagination.

"I don't know, I have been stuck here for a long time. I have forgotten what the world looks like. What people look like."

"Wait, so- let me get this straight. You're not dead, well- you don't think you're dead. You're somewhere on the property and you have been here for a really long time, there can't be any windows where you are... You have to be in the shed. There are no windows there."

"What? No- I'm not in the shed."

"But that's the only place without windows here."

"Then you haven't looked hard enough."

"Are you sure you're alive? Do you even have a body? Are you human? How are you even speaking through my m-"

"I am alive. I have a body. I'm not a ghost. I am human but I can speak through peoples minds. I can't speak to everyone though."

"How come not everyone?" Clay asked, attempting to sound slightly calmer.

"I- I don't know. I've only ever been able to do it once before but I haven't seen him since he passed away years ago."

"Oh...I- I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It's not your fault; death happens. He was never without a smile, he lived his life happily and he passed peacefully; satisfied with what he'd done with his life."

"You must've spent a lot of time with him..."

"My dad. He taught me everything I know now."

"That must've been tough..."

"It was but I've had plenty of time to think about it, being stuck here. I honestly am not too fussed about it now. I loved my dad and so I'm just happy that he was proud of the life that he lived."

"That's- uhm- that's pretty wholesome." Clay didn't know what to say; he was just thinking about his past. Why couldn't he be happy?

His ex-lover had felt like he'd done enough in his life to the point he wanted it to end... Clay thought to himself. I should let him go. He fulfilled his life; I need to fulfill my own. I need to stop thinking...

"Can you see me?" Clay blurted out as an attempt to distract himself.

"No, I wish- I mean- no I can't see you."

~Clay POV~

(He wishes he could see me? What's that supposed to mean?)

(...Does he like me? Surely not right? For now- he is practically a ghost... Do I like him? No- I know pretty much nothing about him either- at the moment that is. We know nothing about each other. All I really know is that he has the most perfect voice I've ever heard in my life).


"Yeah- How do you know my name by the way?" I asked, genuinely keen.

"Your brother- Snapmap I think it was-?" he managed to say before I interrupted him.

"SNAPMAP?!" I wheezed.

"I think?" he said with uncertainty.

"I'm lightheaded, I just laughed SO hard!" I managed to let out, still laughing.

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