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George had fallen into a trance-like state as the pair were speaking. You see, George was figuring everything out and it was quite frankly overwhelming but the other two had no idea what could possibly be going through his mind at this moment. George could see everything that was going on but it were as if he no longer had his hearing, it were as though it had been taken away and replaced. What once he heard as his lover's voice was now nothing but ringing and the only place that George found himself was... Well- he started to panic.

"George? It's okay, don't panic. Can you hear me?!"

"I need you to stay calm Clay. He's okay. He's taking it all in. If this person was his family... he's processing it... I'll go and fill out the discharge papers and the medication. I'll leave you both alone for a bit." Phil said and he walked out of the room...


"George...?" Dream whispered. "Are you okay...?"

George didn't reply. He was still gazing at the wall silently...

"Hellooo? Georgeee?" Dream attempted again but to no avail.

"Come on, it's all going to be okay! Come on, talk to me..." Dream spoke again, hoping to get through, alas, he did not.




George had drifted off into his own world. Well- at least that's what he thought it was. He was sat on a small cloud, higher than the rest... he was up in the sky. The cloud seemed like it had a mind of its own, drifting upward gently, higher and higher. You wouldn't think that a cloud could hold even a single feather- Let alone George. Though, it was unbelievably comfortable, that comfortable, George fell asleep, for a while... until- It came to a sudden halt.

George awoke, observing his surroundings.

"What... What is this...?" He questioned himself.

A throne stood before him, on a much larger ball of fluff. Though- it were more like a bed, the way it seemed to be cushioned. It were as if- someone had... edited it, altered it to their liking... It was... different. It were as if someone had a pillowcase but threw in an extra pillow, like it was more... cushiony? It looked so... so soft. It looked like it would be heaven to sit in... It wouldn't hurt if he sat for just five minutes... Right?

George got up and hopped onto the larger, almost cotton candy looking cloud and headed straight for it. He edged nearer, more detail appearing as he did so; there were big chunks of gold dotted around behind it and a few different colored jewels embedded into the frame and-  he finally realized something hanging on the corner, he was only a couple mere meters away now; on the top of this- throne... hung a crown, which seemed to be embedded with the same jewels as the chair it were attached to.

"Just five minutes, it's not as if anyone is going to care too much about me being here; there's nobody around. I'm dreaming anyway so what's the worst that could happen?" George thought to himself as he threw himself on top of it.

He sat himself down on the ruby cushion and threw his legs over the arm, fluttering his eyes shut. All he saw, even if it were only for a brief moment, was darkness. 

He awoke to a voice. A voice that he did not recognize.

"Hey uhhh- You're kinda... You're kinda in my chair..."

George opened his eyes to see a fairly tall, slim man with long pink hair.

"Oh... sorry. I just-"

"Wanted five minutes? Yeah, most people do."

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