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"I dunno Dream."

"Did you just call me Dream?"

"May- No...?"

"You know my name, why call me Dream? Is that a good thing?"


~George POV~

Did I really just call him Dream...? Shit. I don't wanna explain that to him, why I have given him his own little nickname- I'm just not going to speak to him anymore. I've been stuck in here that long now, I've got nothing to do in the outside world. Like- I'm totally fine right here. In the dark. Where I belong...

She said she put me here for a reason. It must be just to sit here forever, until I eventually perish. It's not all bad up here... there's just a load of water barrels and stale biscuits. Well... there were. There's not much left of it all now so I'll be gone within the next few weeks. Dead. No use for water. No use for food. I'll be dead. Just lying here. Like I have been for most of my life. I just hope Dream doesn't find me... God- I am so stupid. Why did I start trying to help him in the first place? If he finds me here- laying here, here on the floor... The amount of help I tried to give wouldn't amount to how much bad it would do, him seeing my lifeless body on the floor. I know he's already lost someone. Someone close to him. Someone who he thinks still has control over his heart. Someone. That someone is gone. They can't hurt him anymore; he needs to let them go. They are gone. And soon enough, I will be too. I'm not worried that he'll be upset that I'll be the one lying dead on the floor but how it may affect him. Seeing that... Considering what he's already been through... Fuck.

I always knew deep down. I knew that I'd just be stuck here. I knew I'd be stuck awaiting my death. I knew... all along. Dream can't save me. Nobody can. All I ever wanted was to be happy. I never truly got that. Dream was happy before... at least I hope he was... Maybe he'll be happier without having to worry about me. If he just thought I was only inside his head. I'll stop talking to him. I'll just listen. He'll make my last few weeks here heaven. Pure bliss. He won't even know...

~Dream POV~

"Why call me Dream...? Is that supposed to be good?" I asked again. No answer. Maybe he was in my head... I- for some reason- I didn't want him to be. He may have been just a voice but that didn't mean I couldn't be friends with him right?

I must be too dumb to make friends anyway. Even if he was a real person. He'd be something special if he was real. I mean- who can speak to people through their mind? I think he's kinda special anyway- he... gets me. I don't think Sapnap even understands me most of the time... I need a break. Something to work on... That shed in the garden would be a good start...


2 weeks later


I haven't heard the mysterious man for just about 2 weeks. That's around the last time I spoke to Sapnap too. I miss my brother... I wish time would move faster. I can't cope this long without him. I'm truly all alone now... I should speak to him but I need to get started on this shed. It needs to be finished before he gets here.

The mystery man gave me a bit of hope. I know. It sounds stupid but it gave me hope that I wasn't alone. His voice was calming in a way... I could almost picture him... I could just see a pair of chocolate or- or maybe they were more of a shade of hazelnut-

I need to calm down.

I just saw eyes in my head as he spoke to me. It was weird but his eyes were just... Oh they were just beautiful...

I know.

I need to stop...

But I can't stop thinking about how he called me Dream... it was so... cute? I don't know- I didn't think it was weird, I just thought that the name was...different.

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