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~3rd Person POV~

As the two best friends walked through the door of the house, Patches came running towards them. She rubbed against Sapnap's leg before jumping into Clay's arms.

"Hey Patches!" they both greeted.

"Are you gonna miss me?" Clay asked before she replied with a short meow.

"I'm definitely going to miss you, kitty." he said, placing a gentle kiss on her head before placing her back on the floor.

~Sapnap POV~

It's currently 2am and we have only just walked in. I had just 10 hours left before he had to leave. Best make the most of it...

"Hey, Clay?"

"Yes, Sapnapp?" He dragged out.

"Clay, have you seen the time?" I asked, pointing to the clock on the wall.


"Yeah. Which means I only have 10 hours left with you..." I said.

"Bro if you're gonna miss me that badly, you can sleep in my room." he suggested with a yawn.

"Wait, really?!" I questioned, maybe with a bit too much enthusiasm...

"Yeah. Don't think I'm not going to miss you just as bad as you'll miss me." he spoke.

"Go, get- ready or whatever... Just note: there ain't no way you're sleeping in here without pajamas, I don't wanna wake up in the middle of the night and see you lying probably almost naked wherever you're sleeping." he blurted out before wheezing his head off as usual.

"Why would you think I'd sleep like that in your room? Come on dude..." I said before laughing.

"Okay, we need to get some sleep if you're still going to Florida tomorrow; I'll go get changed and stuff and I'll be there in a sec." I said after calming down. I turned away from him and Patches, who seemed to be extra clingy today. She had always been one of the smarter cats for sure, if not the smartest one around. She always seemed to know when something huge was about to happen. She didn't like change all too much either...

~Clay POV~

I walked into my room, Patches following close behind me. I glanced at my bed. Shit. I'm gonna need to separate that. My room always had two beds but nobody ever slept in here besides me so I tape- Fuck. I taped them together; it's fine I'll just give him the option of the bed or the floor but I'll be sleeping in the bed, I don't really mind and I'm sure he doesn't care all too much either. It is big enough after all.


I got changed and climbed into bed; Patches followed, settling on her favourite pillow next to my head. I plugged in my phone and set an alarm for 6:30am. That gave me 5 and a half hours to cook breakfast for Sapnap, shower and for me to triple check that I had packed everything I needed. After that, I would definitely have around 3 hours to get through security and everything at the airport. 

Sapnap walked into the room.

"Hey man, how're you feeling?" he asked, getting into the bed.

I guess he didn't want to sleep on the floor after all. Surely he isn't going to miss me that much. Right?

"Clayy, helloo?"

"Right, y-yeah I uh- What did you say again?"

"How are you feeling...?"

"I-uh I-I'm fine..." I spoke, turning away from him, burying my face into my pillow.


I didn't answer. Tears escaping my eyes, the pillow absorbing them. Not again.

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