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"I wanna be yours." George whispered.

"I wanna be yours." Dream whispered back, both of their eyes locked, staring out the others lips before-


They connected. Their bodies now surging with the feeling of electricity, sparks at every point of contact, more powerful with every movement. George's hand grazed over Dream's, the blond grasping it as he did so, denying it any possibility of freedom. He placed his free hand on the brunette's neck, his thumb resting gently under his jawbone, allowing the both of them to lean more into the kiss.

Dream had never felt more- what's the word...? Alive. He felt that, in this moment, kissing George, the man whom was once a mystery, nothing but a voice of comfort in his head, this... This moment, this memory? This is where he wanted to be. He wanted to live in this moment forever. His heart was feeling much lighter in his chest, beating- No. His heart was fluttering and full of life, beats sending a crescendo up his neck, fueling his lips, motivating them to carry on yet his lungs were pleading otherwise.

The couple had been kissing for at least a good couple of minutes before separating, each of them catching their breath. Their eyes locked, both pairs full of happiness but containing, without a doubt, hints of both shock and surprise. They just sat there, enjoying the presence of one another, in complete silence until-

"Lowercase...?" Dream whispered.

George remained sat quietly before letting out a tired breath.

"Yes, Dream?"

"That was- You- I- We just-" Dream stuttered out before George cut him off, placing a soft peck onto his lips, a much milder spark present this time but the pair had more than welcomed the feeling.

"Yes. We did." George said in an even more soothing tone than he had ever spoken before. Who knew he could- This tone; who knew that it even existed? It was unbelievably attractive, it was so... soothing.

"Dream...? George asked with slight worry lingering in his voice.

"Sorry- Y- Yeah- What did you say?" Dream replied, clearly a bit out of it. 

"I... didn't say anything- You just seemed like you- It seemed like you were- It was like you weren't even... here." George stuttered.

"Oh... I- I'm fine." Dream started. "I'm just- You- We-"

"Yes Dream." George began. "We did. What's the big deal...?" he asked.

"You're- How am I- I'm nothing special George... How- Why am I- I'm not someone you should even be interested in... I- I'm... Complicated..." Dream said with disappointment, his head hanging low.

"Dream. Listen." George began, placing his hand under Dream's chin, their eyes forced to meet; George pulling him into a warm embrace. "You're enough. Remember that okay? I'm always going to be here for you and I know I don't even have to ask Sapnap if he is, because I know for a fact that he would be. He'll be here in two weeks anyway and I'm sure that these next two weeks will pass quicker than you know- Quicker than you can call me Lowercase, in fact." he said with a breathy laugh.

"I miss him..." Clay mumbled, turning over to lie on his stomach; burying his face into George's pillow.

"I know. He will be here with us in two weeks. That gives you even more reason to be happy, for when he visits. Two weeks. That's all."

There was a long moment of silence. Before an almost silenced sniffle escaped Dream's nostrils.


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