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5am, London (3 weeks ago)

~Sapnap POV~

"Hey Clay! Didn't think you would actually answer." I mumbled.

"Hey brother, what's up?" Clay replied.

"I could ask you the same thing, man..." I said in a worried tone.

"I am so sorry- I- I got so caught up with finishing your surprise..." Clay said, disappointed in himself. "You're on loud speaker by the way- George is here."

"Hi!" George said, he sounded pretty happy.

"Oh- Hi! Is this the mystery man you were telling me about Clay?" I said eagerly.

"Y- You spoke to him about me? A- a man of mystery... I like it." George said.

'God I can feel their energy from here...

"Y- Yeah..." Clay stuttered.

"Great to put a name and voice to solve the mystery that Clay left me with at least." I said, changing the subject before slipping out a slight laugh. "It'll be great to see you when I come to visit; I'll be busy for like the next three weeks though so don't call me. Either of you. I've got a shit ton to do-"

"Yeah... I've heard great things about you Sapnap." George let out.

"I haven't told you anything about him-" Clay whispered to George. 

Oh my god, I'm literally third wheeling right now-

"Why are you in my head?" Clay questioned, whispering again.

What the fuck is he talking about?

"I-" Clay stuttered.

"Yeah. Didn't think so Dream." George said.

"Hey, are you guys still- Wait... what did you just say George?" I had said in both an inquisitive yet confused tone. "Clay did he just call you Dr-"

"It doesn't matter Sap, it's a joke. No biggie." Dream blurted out.

Dream...? They're literally flirting-

"So- uhh... What are- What are you going to be doing for like- three weeks anyway Sap?" Clay asked, changing the subject.

"Just setting stuff up for Patches. Bad is going to help me aswell-" I managed to fib before Clay cut me off.

"That's going to take you three weeks?!" He said, almost in shock.

"Yeah... Patches- She really misses you. A LOT." I emphasized.

"Wh- Who's Patches...?" George asked, unintentionally slipping out his words with a tone of concern.

"She's our cat." Clay and I both replied together.

"Oh..." George said in a tone of embarrassment.

"Shut up Dream." I heard George say.

"Okay Lowercase."

They're fucking flirting! This is so awkward-

"Anyway- uhm... I'm uh- I think I'm going to go and uhh- start setting up Patches' stuff now..." I said awkwardly.

"Okay... See ya later Sapnap." George mumbled, still embarrassed from the Patches incident and also seemingly because Clay called him- What? Lowercase? What the fuck does that even mean?

"Bye Sap! I'll catch you when you're free brother. Just give me a call yeah?" Clay said down the phone.

"Yeah I will don't worry. Catch ya later bro!" I said before ending the call.

Well that was fucking weird...

Something has gotta be going on with them, I'm not going crazy am I?


So... the last three weeks have been... eventful- to say the very least. I kind of lied to Clay about getting stuff for Patches- It wasn't "because she was sad and missed Clay a lot" it was actually because I had to get plenty of stuff together for while we were in Florida (which Clay doesn't know about). I'm honestly really looking forward to it.

Speaking of things I'm looking forward to... I told Clay about a guy I met in town and- I'll be honest... I did kinda mess up- I just stood there in awe as he approached me and Bad; all he asked was if there were many like- takeaway places around- I just said not many and told him there were a few around the corner. That was it... he walked away.

His smile was so contagious; Bad told me that he'd never seen me smile so much. At first I didn't realise but when he walked away- I don't know, I just thought that he- you know what? I don't even know what I thought. I just wanted to see him again, speak to him again. And so I've been going into town, sat in the same spot by the fountain. Waiting. And... I almost gave up until he showed up yesterday. I walked up to him and I just spoke to him you know- general stuff:

"Hi, it's me again!" I said with a giggle.

"Hi! I remember- I asked you about food right?" He asked.

"Yeah that's right! Uhm- I- I'm Sapnap!" I stuttered nervously.

"Hi Sapnap, I'm Karl! It's nice to meet you. Do you live here?" He asked.

"Uhm- yeah. I actually live not too far from here..."

"Oh cool! I- I live in Florida. I'm just visiting a friend." He admitted.

"Oh... I uhm- my best friend just moved to Florida."

"That is kinda weird... the coincidence..." he started with a breathy laugh. "Anyway- I wonder if you know my friend, he doesn't live too far from here, same as you..."

"I don't know, I might... uhm- just a question... when are you going back to Florida?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Uhm- I go back in... I think about- two weeks?"

"No. Fucking. Way." I said in complete shock.

"What? What's up?" He asked, a very clearly confused look on his face.

"My flight is in 2 weeks!" I said excitedly.

"No way?!" He said, jumping up and down slightly.

It was adorable.

"Yeah! We could- I mean if you want t-" I stuttered before he cut me off.

"Yeah sure- we could fly together."


"That'll be cool with the three of us." He said.

"Three of us?" I questioned.

"Yeah- me, you and my friend Quackity."

"Wait- are you fucking serious right now?!"

"Yeah- why...?"

"You- You're friends with Quackity?! Like- like actually?!"

"Y- No way! Yeah! He's like my one- if not my only best friend!"

"Oh my god! This is so fucking cool!"

"Yeah! Uhm, I got some stuff to do today so I need to rush off, I'm really sorry..." he started. "Can I- Are you free tomorrow?" Karl asked.

"Yeah I-"

"Okay let's meet up here again tomorrow. 3pm. Got it?"

"Uhm- Sure. Okay-"

"Cool, bye."

And he walked away.



I wonder what will happen...
Idek what's going on anymore, I'm just pogging through the pain yk what I mean?
Yeah- anyway...

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