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"Okay let's meet up here again tomorrow. 3pm. Got it?"

"Uhm- Sure. Okay-"

"Cool, bye."

And he walked away.



So today's the day. It's currently 2:30pm and I am actually... really nervous. I can't believe he actually knows Quackity- It's so crazy! 

Anyway- I put down plenty of food for Patches; for the few hours I'm going to be gone for, she seemed slightly confused at the amount when she saw it. Well, that was until I said the name Karl. Then she just dove into her food. I guess I must talk in my sleep or something...

I got into my car and drove straight into town. Gradually, over the journey, I grew more and more anxious- I have never even felt this kind of nervous before... As I parked up, something that Clay had said to me rang in my ears:

"You seriously need to start making your move because if you don't, someone else might pick him up and you'll be left disappointed." 

And as if by magic, a thought appeared in my head, like a light bulb had lit up: I should get him a little present. And so I ran into the shopping center, I saw the florist immediately to my left.

'That's a great idea actually...' I thought to myself.

As I approached, a kind woman approached me; she had short pink hair and a wide smile on her face. 

"Hi I'm Niki, Welcome to my shop!"

"Hi! Uhm- I actually- I don't even know what flowers I'm looking for..."

"Well... Are you looking for some for any special occasion? Wedding? Anniversary? A f-"

"Well I'm definitely looking to give them to someone special-"

"Oh, is this for an anniversary?!"

"No, Uhm- its for someone I really like... It may sound crazy to you but I only met him about three weeks ago-"

"Not crazy at all! You love who you love!"

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah... So uhm- he uhh... doesn't know I actually like him per-say but I uhh... just wanted to get him a gift, you know?" I said hesitantly.

"Ooo! No problem, I have a perfect idea. Do you know what kind of flowers he likes?"

"No I don't I just wanted to get him something special to kind of- as like a hint?"

"Yes! I have the perfect idea, follow me!"

I followed her to a stand with an array of colors. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

"I would say..." She began, picking up a plastic wrapper. "Create your own little bouquet and put in flowers that both remind you of him and describe him as a person!"

"That's so cool, thanks! I wouldn't say I'm the best at this, I can tell just by looking at them... It's a very pretty stand by the way."

"Thank you! Describe this mystery man of yours and I will do my best to pick out the best flowers."

"Well... he- he has this glow about him, like- he could light up the room- he could easily make your day better, instantly. He has this smile- its honestly the brightest thing you could ever see and his eyes are just a bright blue, almost like a cool ocean oh and on both occasions I have seen him, he was wearing something purple-"

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