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TW// Mentions of suicide

5:30pm, Florida.

~George POV~

George had been stuck inside of this- this stupid darkness for way too long. He had finally gotten fed up with just sitting there, staring into pitch-black nothingness. All he could do is sit or lay or maybe even walk (if he had the energy) around waiting... He was about to fall asleep when-


"Finally!" A voice said.

"Wait someone's here? Well- out there? Is he in here? I don't even know anymore..." George questioned himself, standing up. He zoned out for a while, admiring the sound of the relief in their voice.

"Oh cool! There's a PC here and everything! I didn't even need to bring mine." He said. 

A man... I wonder what he's doing here...? George thought.

~Clay POV~

"Finally!" I shouted.

After being cramped up in the window seat on the plane for ten long hours, I was more than relieved to have arrived...home. There was a cozy feeling as soon as I opened the door (that was a relief). There were empty picture frames on the walls which I could fill with all of the memories I was yet to create. My eyes followed the frames down a short hallway to be greeted by a staircase; the lounge next to it was HUGE.

The corner suite was hella soft, a nice light grey with both black and white faux pillows scattered gently on top of it. A- a beautiful white carpet spread across the floor, almost like a layer of snow- Everything was already put in to place, it was like I'd walked into a house in which someone was already living in.

Oh. My. God. The kitchen. An off-white tile flooring with matching marble counter tops. The oven was just- well it definitely stood out; it was practically sparkling, it was that clean. A lovely silvery island to go with it? Wow! To top it off, a sliding door which led to the garden. Oh my lord- the garden.

I slid the door open, feeling a fresh, warm breeze weaving through my hair. I couldn't believe my eyes. A square of grass centered in the middle by a little concrete pathway; wooden, rectangular boxes holding pretty little flowers and even a cute bench area fixed into the ground next to a hand-made brick stove.

There's a huge shed down the bottom which I'm yet to explore since it was tied shut with chains and a padlock. I was sure that what I'd already seen was enough; who needs a shed anyway?

I walked back inside with the biggest smile on my face. Walking back through the kitchen, through the lounge, now standing at the base of the stairs once again. I took as long as possible just to absorb the greatness of it all before striding up to the first floor.

At the top, I was greeted with four doors; two in front of me and one either side of the staircase. I began from the left and worked my way through the rooms, surprisingly, they weren't as special as the rooms on the ground floor. The bathroom, which I found first, was very fancy looking; apart from that, the other rooms were all very nearly the same; a bed in the corner next to the window, and a simple wardrobe opposite. Pretty boring, that was until I walked into what I now wanted to have as my room.

"Oh cool! There's a PC here and everything! I didn't even need to bring mine." I wonder if it still works... I strode up to the computer and pressed the power button. 

"No. Fucking. Way."

~3rd Person POV~

George could barely see now, due to being partially blinded and there being not much light to actually see. Somehow, part of the "void" had fallen, allowing light to push through. He adjusted his eyes, realizing he was not stuck sitting around in infinite darkness; he was trapped in a box. It was more triangular shaped at the top, there was a hole in it now though of course. Oh how desperate George was to escape...

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