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"Fine, fine. I won't say anything. Jeez..."

Sapnap and Karl went to Sapnap's room, falling asleep within seconds and Quackity proceeded to call Clay.

Ringing Clay...


~3rd Person POV~

(Earlier in Florida...)

"I said it's fine Dream. I came to check on you anyway. That stupid computer..."

"It's... shit." Dream hesitated.

George started laughing. "Why'd you say it like that?"

"I don't know! But it is... shit." Dream said, wheezing.

The both of them just started laughing, George turned to face Dream after finishing the bed. He kissed Dream gently, mumbling out a "Goodnight."

Before George could even attempt to get into bed, Dream returned his kiss. "Goodnight my stupid little Lowercase."

They both fell lazily into bed and fell asleep...


4pm, Florida


Dream and George hadn't long woken up. They were just on Clay's phone, drawing stupid pictures of each other.

"Hey! That does NOT look like me- Not even slightly!" Dream shouted letting out with a wheeze.

"Yes it does! It's a good drawing, what are you talking about?!" George said grinning widely.

Dream grabbed the phone and held it next to his head. "This?! This- You think I look like a stick?!" Dream said overdramatically.

"No- Look. There are your hands." George started, pointing to little circles clinging on to a couple of lines he had drawn. He then pointed to the largest circle on the screen and Dream's face changed from a wide grin to just pure fascination, inching closer and closer to George's. "And your head, your eyes and your gorgeous smile are-"

Dream interrupted George with a long, gentle kiss; George leaned into the warmth of it, kissing back, trying not to grin in attempt to support the connection but he failed and a massive smile plastered his face.

Dream placed his thumb on George's chin, leaning away slightly. "Right here." He said calmly, George's smile growing even wider. "Has anyone... ever told you..." He paused.

"That?" George said, blushing slightly.

"That... You have THE prettiest smile?" Dream asked.

"Yeah actually-" George confessed.

"Wait, really...?" Dream said in shock, removing his hand from George's face; smothering his mouth.



"You literally just told me-"

"No, I actually, totally- I definitely hate your smi-" Dream interrupted before being punched in the arm by George.

"Ow... I was kidding!" Dream complained.

"I know." George said sternly.

"What was that for then?" Dream questioned.

"You're not funny." George spoke, rolling his eyes.

"Okay. I'm... sorry." Dream hesitated apologetically.

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