
19 1 6

Short chapter here let me know if you prefer longer or shorter chapters!

TW: Panicking, Crying, content surrounding pills.

Hope you enjoy but if any of the above is a sensitive topic for you, I do not recommend that you read it.

Ty! <3


It took him a while to fully adapt, revealing a very tired looking and sleep deprived Dream sat in a chair next to him, juggling a bunch of items that had spilled out of a bag, most of which were on the floor.

That must've been what that noise was...

"D- Dream...?" George stuttered quietly.

Dream looked up at George in complete shock.


"W- What happened...?" George asked, his hands rubbing his eyes.

"You- You don't remember...?" Dream asked.

"Wh- The last thing I remember is going to the mall and getting a puppy- You wanted- It was strange-"

"Hey... That- George? Slow down okay? You don't have to think about it right now. Don't hurt yourself."

"What happened...?"

"You... Fell asleep in the shed and then you just..." Dream paused for a few minutes, debating whether to tell George what happened.


George was growing incredibly anxious by the second. Every second that Dream didn't speak. Every second that passed silently. Every second... was another wasted and already, the silence was starting to drive him mad.

Dream sat on the bed beside George, placing their hands together, their fingers intertwining. 


"Please just- just te-"

"I will. But-"

"But what? I'm fine Clay, please-"

"You're not ready."

"How would you know me better than myself? Dream. Seriously,  just tell me. I'm lying in a hospital bed, I don't know what's going on. You're sat here in pure shock at the fact I'm awake- What happened?"


Dream was cut off by a doctor who burst into the room. He looked in a rush until he suddenly halted at the sight of George. Dream stood up nervously.

"Uhm- Hello..." George greeted hesitantly from the bed.

The doctor stood in awe for a while. It were as if he had seen a ghost...

Dream coughed. "Uhm- Heyy... Doctor Phil..."

"Hey... Uhm- How long has he-" Phil began to ask.

"Not long." George interrupted. "Now can someone please tell me what happened?!"

Phil sighed deeply, looking over to Dream. It was like they were communicating through each others' minds... After a long moment of silence, Dream took a deep breath and sighed, looking at George. He nodded before the doctor began to speak.

"George?" The doctor asked.

"What happened, Doctor?"

"First of all, you can call me Phil. Second of all-"

"Wait." Dream interrupted.

"What now?" Both George and Philza asked, rather irritated.

"Can I... Speak to George for a few minutes please? Alone..." Dream requested.

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