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(At the end of C26...)

"When are you coming back...?"

"I'm not. You're never going to get to my level. Keep studying hard. I hope that you do well in something else."

"But- Why aren't you coming back?" The young boy asked, confused.

"Because I have some debts to repay, son. Hopefully I will find you one day."

"Wilbur ran up to his father, he wanted to say goodbye but- As he reached for him, in an attempt to embrace him, he was gone. He vanished.

~End Of Flashback~


"He left because he didn't believe in me. He left because-" Wilbur cut himself off for a minute or two before letting out a loud sigh. "He left because I wasn't as good as him... I- I didn't even get to say goodbye... He just vanished... I was only seven... And- And I didn't hear from him for years... Well- Until he started getting into trouble with Techno... I wanted to help him... I wanted to help him so that I could prove myself to him... But- But now? I- I don't know whether I should help him or not..." Wilbur admitted.

"Wilbur I'm-"

"Tommy. It's like you said... We don't have time."


The next day...

"So. It's decided then!" Dream spoke, just a little too loudly.

"What's decided?" George asked through a long yawn.

"Oh- Goodmorning Sleepyhead!" Dream greeted, grabbing a plate from the cupboard above him.

"What are you even talking about?" George asked, attempting to hold in another yawn. "I didn't just wake up..." He added, yawning again.

"Whatever you say, Lowercase." Dream stated with a huge grin on his face, turning off the stove.

"Shut up-" George started, yawning again.

"Hey- Uhm- George? I need some help with packing up all of our stuff into the car, can you give me a hand?" Sapnap interrupted.

"Shit- I haven't even packed yet-" George remembered.

"You didn't pack last night?" Karl butted in; his brows furrowing as he bit into an apple.

"I- I uhh-" George stuttered, trying to think of an excuse.

"Oh, yeah. George was sick last night Karl, remember?" Sapnap butted in, a slight smirk appearing on his face as he raised an eyebrow.

"He was busy last night." Dream defended, avoiding eye contact with the others as he plated up George's breakfast.

The others all stared at him. Well- All apart from George who was staring at the floor, a shade of pink starting to define his cheeks.

"I- I'll go uhh- I'll go pack my stuff." George stuttered, making his way to the door. Since his room in the hotel was opposite Dream's of course. (The one they were all currently in, apart from Quackity and Wilbur. Tommy was currently sleeping on Dream's couch.)

"George, wait-" Dream spoke, placing his hand softly onto George's shoulder from behind him.

George lifted his head up slightly to look at Dream who was pressing his lips together in a knowing smile. "Wha-?" 

Dream leaned down slightly, his mouth not even a centimeter away from George's ear, resulting in George cutting off his word of question. His breath tickled George's neck for a few seconds before he began to speak.

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