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"Alright, we get it Wilbur. Your dad has a criminal record. So what?"

"I don't know but it seems strange that Techno has had him there twice now don't you think?"

"Why would it be strange?"

"Because, as far as Techno was concerned, he didn't have powers. Now he's back in prison. With powers."

"Do you think that he could get out?" Karl raised carefully.

"I... I don't know..." George said hesitantly.

"I wouldn't put it past him." Sapnap spoke bluntly. "He's made his powers stronger so what's stopping him against Techno?"

"Us." A couple echoed from behind them.

The men all turned around to see Dream stood up next to-


"Tommy??!" George spoke, clearly in disbelief.

"Yes, hello George..." Tommy greeted from Dream's left, rolling his eyes slightly. He clearly wasn't too happy to see George again.

"Dream?!" George let out with the widest grin on his face, his eyes glazing over.

"George!" Dream shouted back with a smile as George ran towards him quickly with little steps.

Dream only managed to take one small step forwards before George fell into him, his arms wrapping tightly around Dream's torso, their tears threatening to fall from the outer corners of their eyes. Dream wrapped his arms around George forming an embrace that was unbreakable, unbreakable in a way that it would always be the same feeling of comfort, the same feeling of warmth, the same action of which would give them both the feeling of pure happiness, safety and joy.

"I was worried about you." George mumbled into Dream's chest as he attempted to blink back his tears.

"It's okay. I'm fine." Dream muttered. "I'm here now." Dream whispered into George's neck hoarsely.

"I know." George replied, his voice raspy.

"It's okay." Dream cried as his voice croaked.

"It's not though, is it?" George muttered sadly. 

"We will be fine." Dream assured, rubbing circles into George's back to comfort him.

Dream's hoodie absorbed George's tears as his own began to fall. Neither cared about the others stood around them. It was like they weren't even there. They were in their own space, their own world. They were at peace, even if it were only for a few moments. Dream cupped George's face gently, pushing it away from him slightly. He tilted it a little to face him. Dream's eyes were reassuring, as if he knew exactly what to do, even though tears were still rolling down his cheeks, his eyes still calmed George. Dream forced a slight smile and, even though George knew that it was at least a little coerced, whether it was because of him or not, he knew that it was genuine. In a way... 

It was genuine in a way that George knew was an attempt to comfort him, keep him calm and, it certainly worked. Every time he looked at Dream. Every. Single. Time. Every time he looked at Dream, his troubles were instantly washed away. George slowly lifted himself up on to his toes, returning the action~ His hands moved up Dream's body as he did so. He cupped Dream's face softly, gazing into his eyes. The couple both took a moment, just staring deeply into one another's' eyes before colliding their lips, but only for a moment. Just... a moment. Just a second or two before George placed a small kiss on Dream's cheek. He took no time before moving close to Dream's right ear, his breath brushing against every crevice before and as he whispered~

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