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Get comfortable, stay hydrated and yeah grab some snacks if you want. It's gonna be a really short one but just wanted to give Dreams POV... next chapter will be better I promise <3

Until then, much love, 

-Envy <3


~Dream POV~

"Ow!" he mumbled. "Just five more minutes..." How long has he been here in my bed...?

"What the fuck? Who are you?" I asked.

He sat up, his eyes squinting up at me.

"Wh- What...?" he stuttered. "Where am I?" he asked. He was clearly still half asleep. His voice was- it emitted a familiar feeling of... comfort. 

"You're in my bed... Who are you?" I said; I had a feeling I knew who it was but... was I- Was I Dreaming...? Surely I haven't fallen asleep...

"Dream?" he said.

"Who are you?" I asked again. 'Dream'... It was him... wait- am I dreaming? I need his name... I can't keep calling him a voice now right? I'm literally on top of him.

"Uhm- Hi I'm George... I- Uhm-" he let out before I cut him off.

"Wait..." I paused, leaning my face closer to his. Our faces were separated by mere centimeters. I was staring into his eyes. God- his eyes were beautiful. The same chocolatey brown eyes I saw in my head. It was him. His hair is so fluffy looking; almost the same shade as his eyes. I was still staring at them... it was like they could put anyone into a trance... I couldn't help but notice his eyes shifting around my face; looking anywhere but at my own.

"You're... You're real." I said.

"Uhm- Yeah I think so? I mean I've been stuck up there for so long I actually didn't know if I was dead or not... You- I- I'm sorry." He let out.  Looking back at my eyes briefly before looking down at my lips... Why?

"It- it's fine." I started, slightly flustered. "So you're not just a voice in my head?"

"N-No- I uhm well... I can speak to people in their minds if they're within hearing distance. My dad could too. I know it sounds-"

"Crazy." We said almost in sync.

"Trust me. I know what crazy sounds like..." I said, carrying on. "How- Wh- How did you get here...?" I asked, sliding off of him.

"Uhm- why were you-"

"I on top of you?" I interrupted yet again. "Well... I grabbed this leftover pizza from the fridge and I was going to eat it, doing what I normally do. Scroll through my phone and eventually go to sleep. But I jumped onto my bed and... well- here you- here we are."

"Oh... I hear more up there than you think you know." He admitted.

"What do you mean?" I asked with slight confusion.

"Dre- Clay. You haven't slept properly for like three weeks. You panic at night and your memories haunt you. They're slowly corrupting you. You haven't spoken to your so called 'brother' all that much and I understand you don't want to drag him down with you but if your bond with him is so strong that you refer to each other as 'brother' then I'm sure he'd be happy to help you. You want to be happy but something is stopping you. He is stopping you. You need to let go Clay. I know it's hard. Trust me. I just- For some reason- I care about you more than anything else right now... I don't know why but-" He paused before he continued. "You've had two episodes in the last week. You keep re-living the same thing over and over. I want to help you." He said.

Well that was unexpected...

I broke eye contact, looking down to the floor as I turned around. I sat down on the bed, facing away from him. Who does he think he is?! He thinks he knows so much yet he knows very little. There's nothing wrong with me. Am I going crazy? I'm completely fine. I think...

"Hey... it's okay-" 

"YOU KNOW NOTHING!" I shouted, my voice breaking.


"You know nothing..." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

He grabbed my shoulder again gently. I turned my head away from his hand.

"I...I don't want to talk about it okay?" I said, tears threatening to escape from under my eyes.

I think he stood up, maybe a bit too quickly... He sat back down for a minute or two before walking round to me... He crouched down placing his hands either side of me.

"Clay. I'm sorry. I just wanted to help you."

"I don't need your help George..." I said, still facing the floor.

He placed his hand under my chin, gently facing my head towards him. W- what is he doing...? This is kinda- "Clay. Do you know why I called you Dream?" He asked. 

"Why...?" I asked, a tear rolling down my cheek. Fuck. Why am I crying? I almost never cry...

"I didn't know your name until Sapnap left a voice message for you... I came up with a nickname before that. I decided Dream suited-"

"Why Dream...?" I questioned, another tear rolling down my cheek. I kinda liked how he called me Dream... It was cute how he came up with a nickname. I don't even know why... I just-  I like it... He said it in a way that- I now almost... disliked the way he said my real name-

"Because hearing your voice... it felt like I was dreaming. Hearing you talk to yourself getting all excited made me smile. I haven't smiled for so long... that's why I thought I was dreaming. So I just called you Dream." He admitted, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "You need to sleep Clay. You-"

"Don't call me Clay..." I mumbled.

"Why? I thought you didn't like when I called you Dream before... Which- was an accident..." He said with a slight laugh.

"I just- I didn't know why you called me Dream... I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I still don't really know... but-"

"Clay. You should really-" He said as an attempt to cut me off only for me to cut back.

"I like when you say it... When you call me Dream. It makes me feel... comfortable for some reason. I- I don't feel... alone- I don't feel like I'm going to be dragged back into the darkness. I-"

He cut me off again but not with words... But with an action. He was... hugging me. "You need to sleep Dream." He whispered into my ear, sending a slight chill down my spine.

"I don't- I don't want to..." I whispered back. I know deep down that if I was to sleep, I'd see it all over again...

"Dream. I've already slept. If anything happens, I'll be here." He whispered. Something about his whispers just made me feel- Well it brought a familiar feeling over me... It was as if I already knew him...

I pulled away, turning to face George.

"Okay..." I said forcing a grin, hesitating before crawling into the bed and closing my eyes. I was fucking terrified of what I would see yet all I saw was darkness. Usually the darkness turned into pure evil. Pure hatred. Pure. He was pure. Wholesome. Now-? Now he's dead.

"Don't leave okay... I'm placing my trust in you George." I said with hope. Hope that I would be okay and nothing bad would happen. Hoping I wouldn't go through the pain agai-

"I won't." He said, interrupting my thoughts yet again. I felt weird as soon as I shut my eyes... It was as if I was being... watched-

"Stop staring..." I mumbled before drifting off to sleep. I don't even know if he heard me...


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