*An Upcoming Trip*

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Hello And Thank you for checking out this story. We will be going by POVs since it will make it a lot easier to understand, Thanks, and enjoy the story.

It is the Third Year Of UA, We Currently See Our Sights On A sleepy hotheaded hedgehog

Bakugou POV
It was a peaceful and calm morning, I could hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing. I could stay like this all day, Until Shitty Hair Banged on my door.

"Wake up Bakugou, We got classes, Plus Aizawa sensei has something important to tell all of us," He said, Cant, you just relay the information to me later dumbass, I'm trying to get the one thing that keeps me happy and you're ruining it!

"Come on Bakugou, You know he won't start the session without Evvvveryoooone" Oh shut up Pointy hair...Ugh Fine! I'll get up but you're buying me some buffalo wings "Great! Oh and your late" WHAT THE FUCK! I grab my phone but it was dead, So I check the clock. Shit! I slept till 8:30, What did I do yesterday? Oh wait, It was Endeavor's training. HEY SHIT LIPS, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP BEFORE EVERYONE LEFT!

"Because you would yell at me for even waking you up" WELL STILL ITS BETTER THEN BEING LATE! I quickly grabbed my things, opened the window, and used my quirk to blast to class by Flying through the air. Shitty Hair must have heard the noise and came running out following me. God damn it, This is not how I wanted this day to start.

Momo POV
The class was already in session, Mr. Aizawa was teaching Algebra today, But I got annoyed over a repeated banging noise, It sounded like something was getting tossed onto the floor, I looked out the window and I saw Bakugou flying through the air with his stuff, Mina asked me a question but I was too busy paying attention to a flying Bakugou "So momo, You got anyone you have eyes for?" She said while poking me, Bakugou!?

It was a dead silence for 10 seconds until Mr. Aizawa looked out the window to see Bakugou flying with his explosions and Kirishima on the ground running behind him...Bakugou? Mina Sat There with Wide eyes Why Bakugou? What was the question again Mina? I said is there anyone you have eyes for, She smirks. I realized I just yelled out Bakugou to the entire class not paying attention, No no no! I don't like Bakugou, He's just my classmate, I said frantically trying to deny it but Mina just kept giggling, This is not how I wanted my morning to start.

Bakugou POV
I entered the class with everyone looking at me, I hated it, All because Shit hair didn't want to wake me up. Bakugou is there an excuse as to why you're late? Aizawa said, My phone didn't charge last night, and Shi-. Bakugou, Language, He interrupted, Ugh, Kirishima forgot to wake me up. Aizawa thinks to himself for a minute, Alright Bakugou I'll let it slide but only for today. I went and sat down in my seat, Seeing mina giggling, Now what the hell was raccoon eyes' problem today?

Both POV
Alright Class, Now that Everyone is here, We will be taking a class trip to Tokyo, The whole class erupted in cheer, Well except Bakugou. Alright alright, I know you're excited but this is a serious matter too, There Have been reports of another yakuza faction gaining strength down there, It has been reported that they are developing weapons that are more powerful than today's current weaponry.

The class atmosphere quickly turned into a more serious tone, As Aizawa continued, Bakugou looked over at Momo's face. Which was somewhat red, and Mina smirked...Along with Kaminari who Mina recently whispered what happened to him, He ignored them and just continued to do his work.

Bakugou POV
Fuck algebra, It's just numbers! Why do numbers need to be involved in kicking a villain's ass? But that girl, Why the hell was her face red? It's probably Mina egging her on about Half and Half bastard, As long as they don't bother me I'm fine. I think to myself while writing down the answer to the problem.

After That, I went and grabbed some lunch from the cafeteria and went onto the roof for some peace, No annoying extras, No Deku, Just me and my lunch. The next thing I know I hear the door open which was the entrance to the roof, I went over and looked to see Ponytail with her lunch on the other part of the roof, Hey Raiden, What The fuck are you doing up here? "That's new," she said. "Why are you calling me that?" You create things out of your chest, Am I wrong? "BAKUGOU! That is rude and yes I do."

I snickered while she gave me a pout. You know that pervy grape is always wandering around right? "Yes, I know that Mineta has been quite a nuisance, And it's only spring semester."

So tell me this, What the fuck are you doing up here and not down with the rest of the extras I said, I wasn't gonna have anyone take my favorite spot, It's the only spot where I can shine down upon everyone. "Well, I just wanted some peace, Mina has been- So I was right I said Interrupting her, What did raccoon eyes do now? She was silent, Well? I don't have all day ponytail. "I saw you flying and Mina poked me and I yelled out your name, But she was asking if I had liked anyone" Typical, Of course, raccoon eyes would do something like that, Jeez maybe she should get someone to tease her about shitty hair, She has a major crush on that idiot. "She does?? Well, I certainly wouldn't want to tease her about it, She would probably run to her room "Then let her, For messing with a semi-decent extra like you! "Semi Decent?" Fuck fuck fuck I meant, You're a good person Ponytail, Just don't let those extras get to your head alright? "Mhm," she replied, with a hint of blush.

The Bell Rings, Alright, Ponytail, get the fuck outta here, I got study hall so I get to relax I say to her. "Bakugou, Because I have study hall too!" She said. Why was this girl so troublesome and annoying, I'm just trying to get some rest since shitty hair knocked on my door. If you want this spot you're going to have to go through me! I said while lighting small explosions in my hands. "Fine ill leave, But ill be here quicker than you next time!" She ran off. Tsh, Be here before me, Please!

Momo POV
He is defensive about his spot, But I've noticed something, Maybe there's something different about that blond spike ball of rage...Wait...What am I saying, This is Bakugou we are talking about, Maybe, Suddenly Uraraka comes over. "Hi Momo, I heard some yelling, Is everything alright?" Yes, everything is fine, It's just Bakugou being territorial. "Bakugou? Well, that's something to be involved in, Maybe he just needs some more rest or something to help him relax." Uraraka I wish I can find something that would help but Bakugou is just the type of person not to relax."Oh...Alright, Maybe I could-" She gets cut off by the sound of the second bell "Oh no I'm gonna be late, I'll see you later momo" She runs off, What did that girl mean by she could, Something is weird, And I feel Something strange.

1 day till the class trip

And so it begins

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