*The Embodiment Of A Hero*

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Bakugou POV

I was fucking tired and didn't want to do anything, But I wanted to make sure I was back on track to my goal, I lay there in my room thinking about my future, My goal was to become number one, To surpass all-might, To surpass Deku, But something hit me, what happens after I accomplish those things, It seems fucking confusing but ill get to it when I get to it, for now, I just gotta get more powerful than those freaks who kidnapped me. I made sure the lights were off and the doors were locked, but tonight was a full moon. I got out of bed before a burning pain from my leg occurred along with the burns from that bitch, But I wanted to see this moon, This bright full moon, You know it reminds me that even if the moon is all big and powerful and bad giant rock floating over us, It still supports the earth with a lot of things, Who the fuck am I to know about floating rocks and shit.

I went out to the balcony to look at it, taking in the fucking cold wind but that didn't stop me, I can hear the extra's activities, Horns, And Shit hair are quiet for how they normally are, Since Our Balconies were close I decided to make a risk for myself and jump to their balcony, I looked through their curtains to notice something I couldn't believe, They Were Sleeping together, Get your head out of the gutter you horny fucks their SLEEPING together, All in a blanket and shit, It seems they were finally happy since they asked each other out basically But I noticed...HORNS wasn't asleep, and her face was red which tells me, SHE crawled into his bed. Whatever, It's not my concern nor my business. I went over to the next balcony, Ears And Electric Dumbass, It seems they were playing a round of Smash. Not That Kind You Degenerates, Dumbass was playing as Pikachu and Ears was Min Min, Simple enough, Moving on. I Checked out a few more rooms before looking at Half And Half And Cheeks room, It looked like Half was out and Cheeks was there, She was writing something on a notepad and couldn't seem to notice what it was but I questioned what she was doing. "How should I confess to him?" She said while tapping her pencil to the pad, She must have a crush I thought, probably on Deku or some bullshit, I don't care I know damn well that nobody would even have the guts to be able to ask me out, and I know damn well that I don't like anyone, or do I, I don't fucking know right now I'm too tired to deal with peoples shit and such.

I got out of there before she finds out I was on the balcony and went back to mine. The Sun and The Moon, Polar Opposites, and I wonder how my future will work out. I went back to bed after a bit and lay there still thinking about my goals, But what happens after I reach my goal?

Momo POV
After calming down from Jirou and Kaminari, I checked the time, and certain enough, It was around 7:00, I went to go check on Katsuki because I wasn't certain if he has eaten anything yet, I slowly crept open the door to find him lying on the bed asleep, I went over to him and gave him a small nudge. Katsuki? I said, Are you awake? "Go away Boobs" He murmured Boobs!? I gave him a shove because of that."What the fuck is your problem!?" He exclaimed. Why did you call me Boobs? I said, Feeling the heat of my face. "You have big tits alright, now what the fuck do you want,im trying to sleep." He said, Clearly having a tired face.

Did you eat at all? "No, Im fucking starving, What do you have?" I could make you something real quick. I said, Lighting up and thinking of things to make him. "What things are there around in a hotel?" He said I have things of my own. I go to my luggage and get out a rice cooker and a small electric stove and some spare things in cans and set them on a table and prepare to cook, Katsuki tried to get up but I told him to lie back down and wait, So he did, with a not very pleasant face. I continued to cook, I know Katsuki likes spicy food so I decided to add a little chili powder to some curry and rice."What are you adding there?" He said from the bed, Just some spices, Im almost done. He sat up in his bed waiting, I gave him his portion, and since I was hungry as well I decided to have some, He was quiet when he ate, didn't judge the food he just continued, it made me happy that he either liked it enough not to call out things or that he didn't like and was just eating my food. He finished up and wiped his mouth, "Thanks For the food." He said, O-Oh, You're Welcome, Any time you want me to make you something I can. Oh crap, I just blurted that out, "Seems you know your way with spicy food, Maybe sometime in the future". He put his plate on the nightstand and I went to clean them, I looked at myself in the mirror, and I just saw myself with a small hint of red, What is going on with me I thought, It's Bakugou, I've seen him every day but why now? Why now are all things changing? I finished cleaning the dishes and left them out to dry and made sure Bakugou was alright.

"Hey Momo" That startled me, Y-Yes? He moved his hand to my head and moved my hair."What happened, There's a scar here" I-Uhh, I was pushed off a bridge from what people told me. "WHAT!" He exploded, They don't know who though, they're gonna find out but I'm worried about you right now, Your in worse shape for wear, I said lightly feeling the burn on his face as well as making sure not to hurt him. "Can I ask you something?" He said. Sure I Replied, What do you do after you completed your goals? Well, you go on to make new ones, New ones can be formed while trying to do the goal you already are trying for and you can alter them as well. "Ah, Alright, Well thanks for the food,im tired, and I'm going to sleep, You disrupt my sleep I'm gonna make sure you don't sleep tomorrow." A-Alright Katsuki. He shuffled back to lying down in bed. H-Hey can I ask you for one more thing? I said "What is it? And make it quick, I want to sleep." That's when I just moved on my own and hugged him. "What's this for Ponytail?" I'm just glad you're back safe. Squeezing him not too hard, I was afraid he might throw me off, But he didn't, He wrapped me in a warm embrace and patted my back, "Don't worry ponytail, I'm fine. Because that's what a spirit of a hero is, You take the pain so that innocents don't." Katsuki had a headstrong mindset but he knew what he was doing. "Now turn off that light if you're not doing anything." He said.

I went and turned off the light and sat on my bed to read a book, but for the full-time reading of my book but I couldn't get my mind off that hug! It was 7:30 now, Katsuki was asleep and I was getting tired, I put my book down and saw that the balcony door was unlocked, So I went over to it and locked it, I saw the full moon up in the sky, It made me ponder of what Katsuki said, You take the pain so that innocents don't, As soon as I understood it, I felt tears running down my face, Is that what he thinks in his goals? To be a hero alone and to get hurt and that's it, Not to spend his life knowing that he could have value to people and love someone that would help him with his goals? What about someone to help him through his struggles and his problems to make him bear the pain less, But knowing everyone's views on that boy, If nobody else will, Then I will, I went over to him who was sleeping on his left side, Moved his hair from his forehead, and kissed him right then and there, I wanted to change this boy's perception on being a hero, The Spirit of a hero is to protect those who need protecting, But you also gotta protect those who are protecting you and not let them bear all the pain, To be a hero is to overcome your pain and fear to do what's right. I just want him to be happy instead of bearing all responsibility of getting stronger to be able to defeat all villains, I want to show him, That being a hero can also mean caring for other people as well, Katsuki Bakugou, I can believe I'm admitting this.

I Want To Change Your Future, Together.

Has He come back with details on that boy, Exodia?
Yes, The Boy is From UA, the most famous hero school in Japan.
UA huh, Well isn't that where Shigaraki had a deal with our rivals?
Yes before they were promptly taken down by the Heroes.
Alright, Begin Preparations to move near UA, Were going to show them not to mess with us
Understood, Brother.
You are free to go, Make sure those things are done, before you go talk with your partner.
Oh shut up, Give me a break! He's cute alright.
Whatever you say, I've seen better.

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