*Terminal Regret* (Side Chapter)

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Different POVs For This Side Chapter

Uraraka POV

Wait, Wait! Please don't leave me! I'm sorry! I just want to be with you! Those were the words that echoed in my head as I saw the blonde boy I cared for blast off. It's all my fault and I understand this. I shouldn't have tried to stop somebody from something. They didn't even like Katsuki, I feel so guilty, I paid for the food and quickly left, I couldn't see very well because of the tears dripping down. I...I don't know what to do. I went in an alleyway to avoid a crowd and just let my heart out, I didn't want to hurt this boy by any means."I'm sorry Katsuki, I really am."

"Uraraka? What are you doing in an alleyway?" It was Todoroki, I had no idea what he was doing there in the first place. "How did you find me?" I said. "Bakugou's explosions tend to echo in a big city like this, I knew something was up if he was using his quirk." We were silent for a minute. "I messed up Todoroki, I threatened Momo and now Kat-Bakugou found out about it because Momo went to him." "Why did you threaten Yaoyorozu? She didn't do anything wrong." "Todoroki I'm just gonna admit this up and forward, I like Bakugou, I want to get to know him more before I ask him out but Momo got in the way, I acted out of impulse." "So you're a Yandere?" "WHAT, NO! I could never kill someone to be with someone else." "Uraraka you are acting weirder than Kaminari when he got high on New Year's Eve." "We don't talk about Kaminari." "Oh...Right, My bad". I take a deep long sigh." That boy interests me, I got over Deku a-long time ago and Bakugou is...Mysterious, I know he's a real softie on the inside and that he cares for people but he's a whole thing id just love to know more." "So your stalking Him?" "Todoroki will you shut up if I get you cold soba" "Alright bet" And he does what I said, He must really like cold soba "Well you can't stay here in the alleyway Uraraka, How about we go back to the hotel room and watch some anime and eat some soba" "Make mine not cold, please. " "Alright, we got a deal." Todoroki walked and I went and followed him.

Todoroki POV

So Uraraka must have a crush on Bakugou. She tried to tell Yaoyorozu to back off because she must have gotten the wrong idea, It's understandable if people do get the wrong idea at times but she didn't need to do that, As long as she gets the situation toned down and I can calm her down, Everything will all be all right. "Do you want to hold my hand?" She didn't say anything for a moment. "We don't have to if you don't want to," I said. "I'm only offering in case you needed something to hold onto-" She ends up taking it and holding it firmly. "Thank you Todoroki" I nod and continue to walk back to the hotel. I'd have to admit It was enjoyable walking back with Uraraka, Quite calming and soothing. 

As we got back in I saw Yaoyorozu slowly closing the door to her room, She looked over to me and Uraraka. "Oh,Good evening Todoroki, Uraraka." "Good evening Yaoyorozu," I said while Uraraka just stayed silent "Momo, I" "Save your breath whore, Since you need to go threaten other girls not to touch your "man." "Yaoyorozu!, What has gotten into you," I said, She never used foul language, This was completely new entirely. "You know what Uraraka? How about you watch your back, You've got another thing coming" She said with vicious intention in her eyes. All of this over Bakugou just being Bakugou, What is going on? This confuses me entirely, She walked off to go to someone else's room and Uraraka clenched her fists and tried to turn around but I held onto her. "Don't do it, You'll only cause more trouble than you already have." "That bitch, What does she mean by that?" "I don't know, Let's not focus on that right now." We walked back into our room and got changed into PJs, Yes we took turns changing in the bathroom, And I began to make her some soba, I don't have anything against Bakugou and all he did was what he normally did. Work out, Train, and focus on his grades. Maybe it's because we're going on this trip for the week that everyone is trying to get with people?... This confuses me more than All Might's Secret Love Child Theory.

Uraraka POV

I couldn't get my mind off what she said, What will she do? I don't understand. She's not the type to hurt other classmates so I don't know what she's going to do, Todoroki was making instant soba by using the microwave and hot water that was in there, Once he was done we found a movie, and watched it. It felt nice to spend time with Todoroki, He seems like a distant person...I don't know what went on with his past but I feel bad just thinking about what happened. He wrapped a blanket around me and comforted me when I started to cry about what happened at the restaurant with Katsuki. Todoroki is a nice boy, He deserves more recognition among the girls even tho he is a bit brainless at times.

It's 3:00 AM, and I hear something scraping on the windows, Kinda like if a knife went on it, I see a man, With slight blue hair and scars on his neck holding...KATSUKI!


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