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Bakugou POV
Where, Where am I? This place looks like a wreck, I tried to get up only to realize that I was chained down to the floor in the middle of the room, I couldn't use my explosions or it would hurt my hands more than the metal chains, Some things have fucking boundaries too you know? God damn it, how did it come to this, Captured again! "Hello! Round face? Ponytail? Shittyhair?"

"Oh Bakugou-kun Nobody is here to help you, It's just you and me in this cell together!" Fuck, I knew exactly who that was, That weird Yandere blond chick who keeps trying to go for Deku for some stupid reason. "The fuck you want you rejected Barbie doll" "Oh bakugou-kun~ that's no way to speak to your future girlfriend." Absolute fuck was she talking about, Future girlfriend bullcrap, there's no way id date a crazy person like her. I'd rather date Deku than this bitch AND THAT SAYS A LOT! "Why would I date you? What possible gain would I get out of being your partner?" I said, trying to get an explanation of why she was saying this in the first place. "Well, I can kill anyone that you request and you can do anything you want to me, as long as you stay with me." "Hold the phone disney junior reject, Why are you asking me of these things and not fucking Deku, You had eyes for him?" "Well If you want to know Bakugou." She said, "I have been watching you from a distance for a few days now, I've seen your strength and commitment to what you want, You get what you want and you destroy what you hate And, I've also seen the tender side of you~." "The fuck does that supposed to mean!" I tried to lunge at her but the chains held me back. "No No Bad Katsuki, I've seen you and Momo getting "along" and it's quiet...Adorable~ it makes me wish I can kill everyone close to you and be close to you instead~!" "Your fucking nuts! I only fucking like who I choose, not some crazy deranged sonic oc."

She just kept giggling to herself while holding a knife, I had to be careful to make sure she didn't pull any stupid shit, But then she put the knife down and both of her hands on my face. "Oh, Katsuki~ I'm always crazy" She kissed me on my lips, Great just what I needed, my first kiss stolen by a villain. "Aww Katsuki what's with that face, Happy that I took your first kiss?" "Fuck off, Don't you got better heroes to fuck rather than me?" "Oh but you're a special case, It has been a long time since Izuku and Ochako rejected me and I'm looking for someone again. anyway, I got to go Katsuki, Buh bye~." God fucking damn, I need to get out of here!

Momo POV
Mmm, That was a good sleep, It's a sunny day, birds are chirping, and Bakugou is quiet, wait...Bakugou is quiet?
BANG BANG BANG "Momo! Have you seen Bakugou, he's not here! A familiar voice was heard. I frantically got up and looked around the room, He's not here, Bakugou? Bakugou!? No response, Something was wrong, I looked to see the balcony door was left open and Katsuki's phone on the floor, I went to open the door to see Kaminari With Aizawa-Sensei, Mina, and Kirishima.
"We looked everywhere, He'd be out on a morning run would he not?" Kirishima said, I don't know Bakugou's morning routine so I wouldn't be able to help. Aizawa entered the room to look around to easily notice Bakugou's phone and the door. "Did you open the door recently Yaoyorozu?" I have not no, I replied, He went to pick up Bakugou's phone, noticing blood on the backside of the case, "I know what's going on, It's a repeat of what happened two years ago"

Baku, Katsuki was kidnapped again? But what's the purpose now? All for One is in jail and most of the villains have been captured, what's their objective now? "Kirishima, Kaminari, Tell the hotel staff to lock down this floor." "Understood" They replied and went out of the room.
45 minutes later, The hotel floor was locked down, Pro heroes went and swept the hotel looking for Bakugou just in case he was in one of the rooms, They went and searched everywhere in the hotel, Even the boiler room basement, Nothing, Absolutely Nothing, It's making me feel uneasy, But worse than last time he was kidnapped, Its making me mad and sad and a whole bunch of things, This is new to me this sense of dread and sorrow and anger, And how do I process it?

"Knock Knock~ "I heard Uraraka knock on my door, Come in, I said, I didn't want to deal with her after she mistook me for trying to get into a romantical relationship with Bakugou, But I guess ill deal with her for the time being. Hey, How are you feeling Momo? She said, I'm fine thank you, How are you holding up, With Bakugou being taken again? I, I don't know, Uraraka said.."Something feels off about this, The Bakugou Katsuki I know wouldn't go out without a fight. I-i just don't know what is going to happen."

"It's okay to be worried for a classmate, I'm worried for Bakugou myself but I know that he'll be alright because Bakugou is a fighter. "Yea, I know but it's just nerve-racking, I wish we could go do something, instead of being locked down in this hotel. Uraraka said, having a somewhat mad expression on her face. Calm down, The heroes are doing the best they can but I'm sure that we'll be able to go look for him after they search the hotel and nearby areas...I said, I also wanted to go look for Bakugou to ease this dread inside but I knew I had to wait Until it was my time to look for him, Uraraka sighed and thanked me for giving advice, and went back to her room, I decided to go talk to Tsu and maybe get some insight on this.

I heard something in a closet on the way down to Tsu's room, it sounded like thumping, immediately I rushed to the closet and opened it, I wasn't surprised that Bakugou wasn't in there, But I was surprised to find two people, naked. What are you doing!?

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