*We're Family After All?*

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Bakugou POV
It was now lunch period and I was seated with a bunch of idiots, Minus bonehead but still, Android Charger and Ears were sweating their asses off after running around the school two times, Shithair and Raccoon eyes were sneaking in some PDA, Why can't they just get a room, And Bonehead was talking to that extra that makes the hero costumes and Icyhot, Relatively boring. "Hey, Tenzu." Said Raccoon Eyes, "What's the relationship between you and Hatsume?" Why is she always trying to pick between who's relationships like she's in a homeowners association? "We're just friends," Bonehead responded. "Really? Because it seems like-" "I've seen him without his mask." Bolts interrupted. Look if you want me to come up with a nickname on the spot it's gotta be close to whoever. Raccoon Eyes just had the stupidest smile on her face and kept giggling too. She kept trying to get Him to take his mask off but of course, nothing worked. All I want to do right now, Was lie in bed with Ponytail and sleep. "Ooooh, Bakugou's thinking again," Shithair smirked. Wha-! HUH! "Awwww he's blushing." Shut up Shithair! But he just kept on snickering. "Oooooh! Who is it Who is it!" Raccoon Eyes Interjected again. "I know who it is, It's-" DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE BONEHEAD!

Momo POV
There appears to be a lot of commotion over at Katsuki's table, I'm sitting with Tsu and Hagakure While Toga sits at the end of the table, Listening to what's going on at the table next to us. Let's see, Katsuki is yelling and his face is red, Ever since he told Tenzu, Kiri, and me about him having a crush, Kiri has been teasing him recently, Sometimes Tenzu would join in. But I wonder, What is Tenzu and Mei's Relationship like? You know...Prom is coming up and everyone's gonna go with their someone, But you know? If Katsuki doesn't ask me, I'll ask him, Even if I have com- "GET OFF ME CRAZY HAIR!" Competition...Here we go again.

At the end of the day, I've decided to take a walk around the school to clear my mind, After prying Toga off of Katsuki, I can't stop thinking about Katsuki in a suit and tie, He would be so handsome! What about a tuxedo Or a Trench Coat? OR! "Hey! Ponytail!" I jolt at the sudden yell from the blonde. "The hell are you squirming in the hallway for?" Oh, It's nothing, I'm fine don't worry. "You sure bout that, You're not getting sick Aren't you." Yes yes, I am not getting sick but thanks for your concern, I blush a bit. What are you doing here? "Shithair and Bonehead keep saying shit, walking to clear my head." Oh, You too? "What do you mean?" Well, Prom is coming up, And it is our final year after all. "Thinking about asking people?" Yea "Knowing you, You would ask icy-hot." I'm thinking about my options...I have an idea of who I'm gonna ask. Is he that dense that it's pretty obvious it's him?

"Alright, Well I'm gonna head off, Bonehead wants to go shopping for some things." Oh, May I come with you? I need to grab some things for prom, It's in 2 days after all. "TWO DAYS!? No wonder why He was going now." You were never informed, Weren't you? "Fuck no, I was gonna ask someone but it seems like it's too late." It's never too late unless it's the day of. "Fine, You wanna go to prom with me or not?" I was stunned, I didn't expect Katsuki to choose me out of all people. Yes! I accept! He smiled. "Good, Now let's go before Bonehead yells at me for being late." We continue, Im, blushing from the fact that he asked me to prom, Happy and excited at the same time, I could see his face is a little red but he was happy too, I gotta tell the girls this.

Tenzu POV
I guess Bakugou brought Momo, Ehh who cares, I'm just going to get my suit and tie from a store as well as some parts to repair my mask a bit. For the walk there it was peaceful, When we got to the tailor, The school had already reserved mine and paid for it. It was one of their programs that helped students with poor financial status able to become heroes and get their jobs. Bakugou on the other hand, Had a suit already so he just waited for me with Momo. "Looking good bonehead, So, Who are you asking to Prom?" Asking? What do you mean by asking? "You don't know, Do you?" Bakugou said, I shook my head, No idea what you're talking about. "Well, Asking someone you like to prom is kinda like a date, It is a once-in-a-lifetime thing for you since this is our final year," Momo said. Ms. Hatsume. I reply and Momo looked star-struck, "Bold aren'tcha?" Said Bakugou, "Well good luck. I continued to get measured for the suit, and I noticed something in the window, Or someone? I wiped my eyes and they were gone, All I could see was a bright yellow glow. "Everything alright there bonehead?" Y-yea, I'm fine, Lets go.

We finish up and they're gonna make the suit. On the way back, Bakugou and Momo decide to go into a gas station to grab some snacks while I wait outside, It's peaceful at night-

"Hello Tenzu,Long time no see." It was a face I didn't want to see for a long time. Exelier, What the hell do you want? "I just want to see my family. Is that wrong?" It's wrong when you and the rest of the group are trying to hunt me down. And for what? I'm not your family, The only reason I was there was because of my Babushka. "We're just trying to make sure you get home safe that's all." He said, Im not going back to a life of crime and being a super soldier to you and your family's Endeavors, Why the hell are you in Japan anyway? I thought Russia was the "Golden Goose". "Japan has more to offer, Since Russia decided to go rogue and the currency dipped, Japan seemed more appealing." Your gonna have to deal with Yakuza, Since your the Mafia, You're fucked if you think your gonna survive out there." Oh don't worry, I have my ways, And don't worry your sorry little self, You will come back to us soon, Even if we have to destroy that school of yours, Ashes to Ashes. And besides. We have a familiar face to keep you company." He smiled with a wicked grin. The fuck does that mean!? He just smiled and teleported off, That bastard! Now our main threat isn't the league, It's Him and the mafia, And the other possibilities that could occur. "Hey, Bonehead! Let's-" We need to go, Now! "What's got you in a-" NOW! We quickly rushed back to UA, Weary of an ambush by Ex and his faction, We rush back to Tell Aizawa about the Current Situation.

You're doing great dear, You've improved so much since we first met you

Thank you Ms Exodia, I've been practicing how to make zero gravity fields.

Thats Great! See, I knew you were gonna improve.

I giggled, Yea...Hows Dabi~

Oh Quiet Quiet, Hes nearby

Yea yea, Just ask him out already!

She just blushed and cupped her face with her hands. "What about you and Core? I've heard you've been getting pretty fond of him."

I just respect him...For now.

For now~?

He seems...Attractive

HA! I knew it

I cupped my own hands, W-We will have to see

Suddenly, Exelier teleported to us, He's Here

Who is Here? Exodia said

Tenzu, He said and Exodia gasped

What about Tenzu? I said and they both looked at me.

Tenzu is Family, Said Exodia.

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