*Held At Knifepoint By The Dead*

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Bakugou POV
I think I may have gone overboard last night, all I expected was to get away from the crowd and do my own thing, But not turn INTO THAT! Right now it's my normal get-up time for my run but there is an undressed Ponytail in my bed, And what's worse, We're dating!

Ok, maybe that's not worse but still, it's beyond what the fuck just happened...Suddenly I felt a pair of arms move and keep on holding tight, Well I didn't mind it but still. "Don't leave just yet". Ponytail mumbled. "But I have my run, And to deal with the rest of those damn extras." "5 more minutes," She said. I couldn't resist. Fine, Only 5 minutes I said before going back to lying down.

Tenzu POV
I didn't sleep, And it's thanks to those two, What they have yet two lovebirds, The soundproofing is not meant for what they did, And the good thing is most of the class was too drunk to even go back to the building. If this wasn't told, Kaminari Stole a bottle of vodka and poured some into the punch, Spiking it, Bakugou caught on and left with Yaoyorozu and Me and Ms.- I mean Mei Hatsume also left, But I had to drop her off first at her building and you know what happens next...Soon around 9:30 people started to come back in with a hangover. "Hey Tenzu, How come you completely fine?" Kaminari asked. I didn't drink the punch, And maybe someone should have spiked it. "Who was it!?" He yelled but I just walked away, Wanting another nap.

The Day Continued as expected, Waiting for people to get over their hangovers and other stuff that they decided to do, I wanted to get more things from the grocery store down the street from UA, But with this uptick in crime activity lately, I had to check out and give proper ids and details before leaving to just go grab some simple things.

Meanwhile, when I got to the store it was not many people there, Which was good for me since I got this mask or helmet, Whatever you want to call it and it tends to attract attention sometimes, And you know, Some mechanics too. I get what I get and head off back to the School.

As I was heading back to the school, There was an Ice Cream truck serving to children, Someone with a big dog and someone holding a frying pa-

Connection Failed



Ughhh.....Cuka Blyat my head hurts. 

Morning Tenzu! Goddamn it Exodia What the fuck is your Problem? 

"Shut it, Traitor." I felt a blade to my throat but the voice sounded familiar.

 I began to laugh as my suspicions were right. 

"What's So Funny?"  How amusing, I knew you weren't dead, You wouldn't kill yourself over something so stupid.

 And now you're here working for the Mafia, Who's The Traitor now?

Ochako Uraraka

AN: Hello Everyone, Sorry for the Short Chapter but The Finale is Coming Soon, I hope to make it one big long final Wrap everything up, and get this done and over with, I started this story purely out of Boredom and did not expect for this to gain as much attention as it did, Thank you so much for your support, I plan to do one more Bakugou Ship story before making A story of my ideas, Stay Tuned!

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