*Explosive Sword And Spiked Shield*

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Tenzu POV
Currently, I am stuck...Lying down, On a bed, Being Hugged by Ms. Hatsume from behind. I didn't mind it but it's been 30 minutes and she wouldn't let up, I get a buzz from my phone and of course, it's Ground Zero Himself, Pizza's here. I said to Mei, "You Ordered Pizza?" She replied, No Bakugou Did, He ordered pizza for my whole class."Oh, Well I...I still don't want to leave you after what you told me...Im still processing myself." That's fine, You can get some of mine then. "Really?" She patted my back. Yea, that's fine, Come on. I get up and She follows Suit, We begin to head back to my dorms, and I wonder what are people gonna say...Oh yea, I put my mask/Helmet back on.

Momo POV
We sat down in the main room/living room eating our pizza while we agreed to watch a comedy movie even though Bakugou heavily disagreed on what the movie was, He wanted an Adam Sandler movie, So we settled on grown-ups. We heard the Elevator ding and looked over, It was Tenzu And Hatsume."Hey Bonehead! Pay up." Bakugou yelled out. "Yea yea give it a bit, Gotta get stuff out of the bank," Tenzu replied, A few of the girls went over to Mei and Greeted her and asked her what she and Tenzu were doing, She said that they were asking for the dimensions of his costume. Mina was skeptical, to say the least. The two sat on the floor next to each other and Tenzu had his pizza. Luckily Mina didn't notice that he shared his pizza, Katsuki was above them sitting on the armrest of the couch because I was sitting on the couch, Honestly, I didn't want him going in another spot, But that's just me, The movie was good and everyone started to get tired, We knew Aizawa was gonna do some big training because of Katsuki, Not that it was his fault but either way. I helped Cleaned up Along With Katsuki, Tenzu, Shoto, And Mei.

Bakugou POV   
Move it Or Lose It Extras! I yelled because South Park was coming up soon and I wanted to watch it in my room, Simple as that. I looked over to see half and half-whisper something to Bonehead, The heck was his deal? We finished 6 minutes later, and I saw Half and Half and Bonehead go to their dorms, Mom complex followed Bonehead, So it was me and Ponytail. "So Katsuki, I guess this is a good night." She said to me. I guess, I'm just going to be watching tv in my room, But Good Night. I walked back to my room, Closed the door and locked every entrance possible, and then watched south park.

Tenzu POV
So, What do you need, Shoto Todoroki? If you didn't pay attention, He Whispered To meet me in his dorm, I gave the Key to Mei to go to my dorm and wait. "I must confess, I overheard You talking to Mei about your past," He said. "You what!" I grabbed the collar of his shirt, I wasn't about to have the School's Bachelor expose me. "Calm Down Tenzu, I didn't tell anyone. But there is something I want to tell you." Skeptical of what he was going to say, I still agreed to listen to what he had to tell me. (Im sure you guys know Shoto's past already) He told me everything about his past, I didn't think there was anyone else to...Agree with things, I can't find the words right now. "So that's everything. I believe that We can agree with most things and hold mutual respect...You've Gained your quirk because of how you were trained, I gained my quirk out of an arranged marriage." The Past is filled with ruts and holes, But depending on how you act on it, You can Shape your Future. That's how I see it at least, Understand this, We will do everything we can to make sure the mafia doesn't lay a hand on you, Even if it's just Mei and Me who know about it." Alright, I said, Keep your mouth shut and we won't have any problems. "I promise" He replied.

I look forward to our training tomorrow, Im close to getting my hero costume. I said, "What is your costume?" He said to me...You will see when I come out with it."What about your hero name? Aizawa will probably pester you about it." You will see it eventually. "Also, What is Between you and Hatsume?" I thought about this, While I may have opened up to Hatsume a bit much, I knew she could keep stuff private to a degree. Hatsume and I are friends and I'm beginning to trust her with things. I said."Oh, Alright." Was there anyone you had in mind? "It may or may not be seen by anyone, But I was getting to know Uraraka, Now that she's gone, I just don't know what to do." I don't know about you, But something seems Sketchy with her. She was in view from the dorms, Why go the other way? "Yea, Now that you think about it." Yea, Here ill talk to you tomorrow, I have things to do before I go to sleep. "Understood, See you tomorrow." I leave to go back to my dorm to find Ms. Hatsume, Asleep on my bed, She must have not gotten enough sleep. I went to sleep on the floor beside her but she took ahold of me and dragged me in with her, I took off my mask quickly so that I wouldn't scrape her head, and lay there with her as she held onto me...Well, Good night I guess.

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