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Momo POV
By the time fourth period had come around, We were training in one of the gyms, I was working on being able to create heavier things like more cannons and or weapons like claymores or just equipment to help out people when I'm needed, I look around and see Mineta using his quirk to scale walls, I also saw Tsu working on how long she can hold her breath under water and general strength training,  And Midoriya and Kirishima were having a mock battle. I wondered to myself if I could become one of the big stars. Just like my father and mother want me to, I do it because it's the right thing to do.

"Watch Out!" I heard a yell as it came closer, By the time it hit me I saw that it was Bakugou practicing with Aizawa and he got launched into the air...And he was on top of me "Hey ponytail, You still alive?" I couldn't say anything but feel the red of my face and a hand on my chest. "Ponytail? Hey snap out of it, He gave me a small flick on my forehead. Oh, Yes yes Bakugou, Sorry, Thanks for asking. He got up and dusted himself off and walked back to Aizawa, Are You Also Ok? I muttered.

"Momo! Are you alright?!" I heard Mina and Jirou yelling from across the gym. Yes, I'm fine don't worry! "Ok just be careful next time!" They continued to train together and I went back to working on mine.

Bakugou POV
I fucked up and landed on top of Ponytail, What other words are there to say. Although her bre-NOTHING JUST NOTHING, They were soft too, NOTHING...GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

"Bakugou, Are you alright? You seem to be a bit out of focus today." Aizawa said, 'm fine, I just had a bad sleep, I'll be fine when the trip goes around. "Alright, Well rest up this weekend, we got A lot of preparation to do." Yes, sir I said, I continued to train on creating a rapid-fire projectile for my arsenal of epic explosions. I saw Deku giving shitty hair a run for his money, Heh I outta kick his ass in a fight, and I did! Which proves the point that I'm better.

Momo POV
After training, I went to the locker rooms to change out of my hero costume, "Momo are you sure you're alright? You've been acting a little weird. You sure Bakugou didn't break anything?" Yes yes, I'm fine I replied. He just got launched by one of Aizawa's attacks and landed on me. "Well if it's Bakugou, He's the type to yell at you if you're in the way." Uraraka added, "Bakugou has always been headstrong and knows what he's doing kind of thing." "Uraraka have you been paying attention to Bakugou lately?" Mina said with a smirk. "No No, I just know a lot about Bakugou from Deku it's not that big of a deal, and-" She kept trying to deny it.

Once I was done I started to walk back to the dorms. I saw Kirishima and Midoriya talking about their moves and how to improve them and Kaminari playfully hitting on Jirou, But I heard and saw something unusual with Uraraka, She was skipping and giggling. She never does that, It must be an off day. I heard loud booming coming from behind me, It was Bakugou booming and flying overhead.

And for some reason, I wanted to catch up, So I did something I wouldn't normally do, I ran after Bakugou.

Bakugou POV
I blasted back to the dorms because I didn't want to hear from Raccoon Eyes or Pink Cheeks about how I got launched on top of Ponytail, Hell if I know? I got back in, and I was the first one in the dorms so I got to enjoy the benefits of home alone. 

I went to my dorm and plopped myself onto the bed, Finally, The weekend is here, Then I hear a soft knock coming from the door, That better be my buffalo wings Shitty hair!

"Umm, I didn't bring buffalo wings Bakugou, But may I speak with you?" A soft voice was heard from beyond the door. Who is it then? "It's Momo, may I come in?" Ponytail? I got up and went to answer the door. What is it you need to talk about? "Can it be in your room?" Ugh, Fine just don't make a mess. I let her inside and I went and sat on my bed. So, What is it you want to talk about ponytail?

Momo POV
Wow, His room was so clean, And it smelled like caramel, I never expected Bakugou to be a clean person. "Well, ponytail? You didn't just come into my room just to look around." Oh yes, Are You alright, When you landed on me, "Awww ponytail are you worried? He snickered" Bakugou! I yelled at him but he kept laughing, I've never seen Bakugou genuinely laugh, This was a first for me. "Hehehe, Yes ponytail I'm fine, It's just a few bumps but I'm not gonna die or anything." Alright good.

And did- Did you put a hand on my chest- "Let me stop you right there" He interrupted. "That was completely an accident, I didn't mean to invade your areas" No No I understand, As long as you're ok. "Ponytail you could sue me for sexual harassment if you wanted to" Trust me Bakugou your not Mineta your fine. "Good, Is that all?" Umm, Would it be ok to train with you sometime? I need more guidance from an aggressive attacker such as yourself.

"Yea I'm fucking aggressive, I only know a few ranged moves so I just go kill villains with my hands" I know but Maybe we can train after the trip? "Sure Ponytail but Don't be bringing your friends along, I've been getting a weird atmosphere of being watched lately and by the wrong crowd." Alright, I won't tell them, That will be our little secret. I didn't even realize I smiled at him when I said that."Good, Now scram, I gotta pack for the trip, Since it's tomorrow" Oh, Alright, Me too, See you later Bakugou.

He just did an Mhm back to me, got off the bed, and started to pack. I left the room and went to mine, Happy that a misunderstanding had been cleared and I'm going to be training with Bakugou to help me be better, Maybe even equal to him.

I get back in and started to pack my things. "Momo! I need advice!" I heard Mina knocking and yelling at my door.

Bakugou POV
I didn't understand what was ponytail's objective, But why does she want to train with me? Ehh, Who cares, As long as me touching her got cleared up I'm fine with it, I pack my shit, Extra clothing, Any medicine, Extra stuff, Things like that, Once I'm all done I rest on my bed. Ahhh, peace for once. The wind is blowing, Nobody is bothering me, I like this.

"Bakugou!" Someone was knocking on my door. What the fuck! Cant, I get some rest here?! "Bakugou it's important!, I need advice". Who the fuck is it!? "It's Kirishima" Shit hair!? You'd better have my buffalo wings! I get up and answer the door, The fuck is your problem And why is your face red?

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