*A Boy And A Girl With Technology*

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Tenzu POV

I got situated in my dorm, I didn't have much with me because moving here and getting to this place cost me everything to get here, But I had a bed, an AC, and a stuffed animal from my babushka. And I was happy with that, As I was about to lie on the bed, I heard a knock coming from my door. Annoyed by the fact that so many people want to purposely engage with me.

I answered the door to find a red-haired boy. "Heya, Tenzu was it?" He said. Yes, that's me, I replied, What do you need?. "Oh, Aizawa wanted me to tell you to go down to the support class for your hero costume." Ah, Alright, Thank you for telling me. I said before getting ready and leaving to go down. "No problem," Kirishima said. I had no idea where the support class is, So I guess this is just one big walk for me.

Bakugou POV

Get this Crazy Bitch Off Me! I yelled naturally because this yandere here was on my chest, Cheeks used her quirk to make her float off and Ponytail held out her hand to me, I got up without grabbing her hand and I wasn't gonna have any more extras meddle with my sleep, I went back to my room and locked the door, I heard a conversation coming from down the hall but I didn't bother to pay attention to it, But what I can tell you about it, It was a cat fight, Not physically but verbally, Something about holding on and formalities, I don't give a shit, Ill clear up the record, Im not with that crazy bitch and I'm not with anyone right now, For the majority of my time in my room for the rest of the day, Lifted weights, Relaxed And Did whatever I pleased. Nothing can Ruin this- "Katsuki" Fuck!

Someone knocked on the door, didn't know who it was but they used my first name so I went close to the door. Who the fuck is it, I said. "It's Momo, May I Speak with you?" She said. Ugh, Fine. I opened the door and let her in and closed the door. So whatcha need to talk about, I hope it's important Momo. She looked at me with a somewhat puzzled look. What? You looked like I said something different. "You used my first name, But enough of that, How come Toga is close to you." Does it look like the fuck I know? The Crazy Bitch was with me when I was captured I said, I'm not gonna deal with another person asking me about my capture. "Right Right, I apologize". It just seemed Rather Weird that you were the first person Toga is close to in this class." The Crazy Bitch is out of her mind first off, Secondly I don't know what the fuck I did to make her have these weird-ass things to me when I did nothing. I said before falling on my bed."Right, So you're not dating her?" Of course not, The fuck do you mean? I said. "N-Nothing! I was just questioning it." She said, Her face light having a small shade of red, What was Ponytail's deal? She Has been near me for a while now, On the bus, Whenever during the hotel and the mission.

Hey Momo, what's your deal? I said "Hmm? What's what?" She replied. You're Close for some reason, Your always nearby and you're getting into fights with Cheeks for some reason, Now your questioning Fangs which I wouldn't blame you but still...What's your deal? She stayed silent for a bit before saying something. "I-It's nothing, Im-Im just worried, since your capture I've been worried, People tell me that your fine and that you'll be ok but this is twice now that you've been captured, Im worried that it may be someone else next, Maybe even me!? But I don't know and it's causing me to be stressed, And I want someone to help calm me down, And you're around so I'm sorry if I'm being too close and-" She kept going on, It seemed like she was about to cry too. Momo! I said which made her stop her rambling. Shut up, I said. I couldn't believe I was doing this but I held out my arms to her and she came close and wrapped her arms around me and returned the favor, I could hear her quiet sobbing into my shoulder, All I could do was hold onto her and pat her back. "Im Scared Katsuki, Im Scared of what's going to happen." She said, Holding me tightly. Don't worry Ponytail, Nobody is gonna get captured if I'm alive and kicking. She giggled a bit, Yea, if your around.

Tenzu POV

After 20 minutes, I finally found the support classroom, I peeked inside and scared one of the students. "Whos There?" Said the teacher,Im Tenzu Morozov. "Ahh, You're the New Kid, I'm assuming you are here to draft out your plans for your hero costume?" He said, Yes Sir, I have them already finished. As I handed the papers to him, A girl was giving me a hard stare and the teacher noticed. "Hatsume? Whatcha giving the noobie a stare for?" He said. "That's made of metal isn't it", She said And the teacher looked at me puzzled."Metal huh? May I see it?" I didn't like taking off my mask, It brought up things I didn't want to talk about. The school does offer Therapy if needed but this is different than normal things.

You may see the features it has, But id rather prefer to keep it on Sir. I said. "Oh is there a reason why?" Personal Issue Sir, I would like to keep it on. "Ah alright I won't budge, but show me what it can do?" Alright, sir, This Mask Is bulletproof and fireproof, And it has two modes, the one you see right now just shows me radar and general programming like temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Wind Direction, and Time. "Interesting," He said, The girl rushed over to look at it up close at it and began taking down notes. The second mode is defensive attack mode, I pressed a button near the base of the horns, and a jaw opened from the two sides of the upper jaw, The two looked at each other in surprise. Now this mode is for advanced protection measures and is equipped with military-grade equipment. Night Vision, Thermal Optics, Submersible up to 10 feet with oxygen, and has an emergency shotgun barrel if needed. "Holy Shi-take mushrooms kid, Where did you get this?" The teacher said. I made it, Back home "The Russians always have something up their sleeve, don't they...Ah, No offense kid." He said. None taken sir. The Girl kept taking down notes and looking at me half the time, I was puzzled by this girl. It seemed she wanted to know my things.

"You seem like a perfect candidate for the support class but why the hero class?" Because I want to be the hero that those who were shot down can have a chance and see that a person like me who only has his knowledge and a quirk that is regarded as weak can be a symbol for those who tried their best in life. "Ahh, I see," The teacher said "That's Inspirational, I like you," The girl said before giving a big pat on my back, The damn strap fell off because I haven't repaired the seal and clip for it, So the mask fell off and the horns stabbed through the floor. "Woah, You alright kid?" Y-Yea I'm fine, I look at the girl whose eyes lit up and her face turned red for some reason. "You're a Cutie," She said, I didn't have much, I have dark blue hair And Bright Golden yellow eyes, And there's a big scar across my right eye going diagonal down my face T-Thanks, Hatsume Was it? I said before quickly retrieving my mask and tightening the strap underneath. "Yup that's me, Call me anytime you'd like and you can work on my babies!" She smiled, I didn't know what she meant by that. "She means Experiments." The teacher corrected her. Ahh, Well alright, I might come down and work on some, Maybe. She smiled. Alright, My full name is Mei Hatsume, and I'll be seeing you, She went off to tinker with her things. "Alright Tenzu, We'll do the plans to your liking, It'll be around maybe a week or two depending on what's in it." The Teacher Said. I said thank you to the teacher before heading off, That girl seemed to like my things, But I don't know if I can truly trust her intentions yet.

As I got back into the dorms, People were gathered in the main living room. "Hiya Tenzu." Mina said, "Where'd you go?" Support Class, Whats Everyone doing out here? "Toga is back there", Ochako Said. So? What's wrong with Toga? "She was from the League of Villains so we don't trust her intentions as to why she's here. She continued. I shrugged and went back there to see what was going on. "Toga isn't it? Whatcha up to" I spoke to her and she seemed to jump up. "Oh,Tenzi,Its you, Whatcha need?" She said. I'm just checking in to see how your dorm room is coming. "It's going good, I like the color scheme I'm doing." It was a red and white room so it matched somewhat. It looks good, I said, My room is coming out alright but I haven't gotten the time to fix it. "Oh alright, Thanks for checking up on me." She said, No problem, I replied, Im, gonna head back to my dorm, I'll see you whenever. I said before heading back, Passing Bakugou Katsuki's dorm I heard two people talking in the same dorm, sounded like flirting, then yelling, then crying, No idea what that was. I went back to my dorm and relaxed on my bed, waiting for the new day.


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On a new day, We will all play

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