*Everyone Crosses A Bridge*

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Bakugou POV
Huh? She ran off, Why? It's just confusing. Her face was really hot so she should have hopefully gone to recovery girl. I heard a ringer come from my phone, I took it out of my pocket, and it read, Meet me by the front of the school when class is over -Uraraka, Class was over for me already since study hall, I didn't want to deal with any extras that I had to deal with in there, So, It's just peaceful

My fucking phone went off like hell after I took a nap, I had her contact as Cheeks, Oh shit right she wanted to meet with me after school. It's after school, isn't it, Well Shit

Uraraka POV
Where is he? It's been 10 minutes and he still isn't here, Did he just not want to go? It's making me want to go looking for him, Suddenly I heard booming coming from the roof of the school. Classic Bakugou, Always making a scene, He landed right in front of me. "What the hell do you need?" He said, Rubbing his eyes. Why are you late? I said after school meet- "Yea yea I fucking know, I took a nap since I had a free period. Again, What do you need?" He said a bit aggravated, Remember that we agreed to go out for something this week? "Yea, Somewhat, Why?" Well, I want to do that today, It's a good day today and I thought we could go to the mall together. He stood there hand on his chin "You want to do this after what happened in class?" Look, I apologize for making a scene and taking it to the rest of the class, but can we just do this one day? "Fine, I have to get some things anyway," He said. G-Great! I said, Shall we? I held out my hand to him but he didn't take it and started walking with his hands in his pocket. Come on, I'm trying to give him signs and nothing is happening.

Bakugou POV
Cheeks pouted for some reason. What's your deal huh? "W-What?" Your pouting like you didn't get something, What is it? I said I didn't want her acting like a child while were out. "Well I-I kinda held out my hand to you".Tsh, I said before taking her hand. Just for today, Understand? She nodded, getting a smile on her face. We started to walk out of the school grounds, I got some looks from people but I fucking glared at them back like I just wanna slap the shit outta them, "S-So how was your day?" She said, Meh, I replied. I still don't understand why you people had to argue like a bunch of Idiots" People?" She said, tilting her head. Ugh, Fucking You, Ponytail and Crazy bitch, What the fuck is up. "I-It a long story." Absolutely Fucking typical, I thought. There's damn well something up huh, I'll get down to the bottom of this, just wait. "Katsuki?" Huh, What? "You spaced out, we're almost there."

We approached the mall, she was still holding my hand and people thought of us as a couple, I didn't like this. Hey Cheeks, Can I go get something in that store over there? The Store in particular. Spencers, Now before you start putting pictures in your head about me going into the back, No I don't, I know the memes of what is back there, They are the only store that sells my favorite brand of shirts and clothing. Cheeks didn't get the picture though "B-Buh-Bakugou, Why do you want to go in there". Why was she blushing? You thinking of the backroom aren't you? I smirk to myself and she noticed and blushed more, what is going on?

Both POV
Bakugou went inside the store and Uraraka followed, She looked around trying not to picture Bakugou going to the back room and her having to follow him in there, Bakugou found his favorite shirt brand and went to go try on some hoodies and t-shirts that were on sale, She waited for him and texted Tsuyu while she did, Bakugou took long, Mainly because he was thinking to himself about why are the girls constantly arguing over him, He was oblivious. Complet-Err...Well, Not really, Well anyway Bakugou finally came out and checked out the shirts, Uraraka Checked out earlier getting some pink long-sleeved shirts and secretly, One t-shirt of Bakugou's favorite brand.

They continued through the mall browsing through different stores and getting some food at the food court, Stuff like A Game and Manga Store, A Escape room, a Lazer tag, and a trampoline park.2 Hours passed, They both had a good time there, they got the shirts and stuff from Spencer's, Prizes from an arcade, and a bunch of things, As they were walking and talking back, They came across a bridge, Perhaps they have taken a back route? Well yes, Bakugou doesn't like to deal with people much, It was a wooded rustic old bridge but it looked sturdy enough to hold 7 cars at once, Bakugou Stopped to look out from the bridge looking at the river going underneath the bridge. "H-Hey...Katsuki?" Uraraka said, "Yea Cheeks?"

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