*A Steamy Paradise*

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Momo POV
Well after calming down from me seeing Katsuki shirtless. I unpacked my things and got everything ready for tomorrow. Everything will be ok I just know it.

"Oi ponytail, Im going down to the hot tub."Katsuki Said...Shirtless again..."How d-did you get in so quietly?"..."You were unpacking when I came in so I got changed into swim clothing and didn't bother you...It's not that fucking hard." "Oh...Well have fun. I may come down to the pool later to see what there is."..." Alright, I got a key so come and find me if you get locked out"...He leaves with a towel and once the door is shut I scream inside of my pillow.

I've seen Bakugou shirtless before...Why is this affecting me now?... I should ask Mina or Tsu or Jirou...maybe they know what this means.

Bakugou POV
Im about the close the elevator door when Round Face quickly came through in her swimsuit..."H-Hi Bakugou" She said. Cheeks, I said in responce.No idea what got her tits in a twist but her face looked red."You alright there round face? You look like you're coming down with something"..." I'm Fine! Don't worry"..."Uh huh"

It was a quiet elevator done and we eventually got to the pool and hot tub and we got in..."Ahhhh...This feels nice, How about you Bakugou?" She said.."Yea, it feels alright" I replied..."Sooo Bakugou...Those yakuza are gonna be tough to fight if they're making good weapons.."..."Nothing that I can't handle, I can kick all of their asses!"

Both POV
"Wow...Such...Enthusiasm" Uraraka thought. I've never thought Bakugou would be so determined to get to his goals." Hey Bakugou?" "Hmm?", He replied "What is your opinion on relationships?" "Hmm. I guess I've never really thought about it much. Id say that their alright...As long as they're not getting in the way of my job or tarnishing my reputation I'm fine."

Oh,That's good to know" Uraraka scooted a bit closer to him. "Is there someone you like?"..." As of now? No" Bakugou is known for hiding his true feelings but he truly doesn't like anyone right now." Oh...Alright," She scooted closer to him again." Do you believe that anyone likes you?"..."If I'm gonna be honest cheeks your questions are getting a little too personal."..." Oh...Sorry, Bakugou. I'm just curious about what you're gonna do for your future." He sighs, "It's fine cheeks, Just don't be weird with it. And I don't believe anyone likes me, Why would they"..." Bakugou, Don't feel down about yourself" She pats his head."I know one day you'll be able to find the person who loves you for you...It may be tomorrow or 3 years from now, I know you can get there and be special to someone."

She continued to pat his head, It may be spikey but it's also soft. " Heh, Thanks cheeks, Didn't think You'd be the one giving me advice..." She blushed and smiled and continued to pat his head. " Umm Bakugou I-I Lo-

Hey Guys!" Mina and Kirishima entered the room, Uraraka quickly removed her hand and scooted away from him. Cussing to herself, "Raccoon eyes just because were the only people in this area doesn't mean you gotta make a fool outta yourself"..."Wow Bakugou, Thanks for the sentimental value of what you just said," She replied. "Uh-huh," Bakugou replied. "Scoot over Baku, There's more room in the hot tub than you, Mina sat next to Bakugou and then Kirishima sat next to her. Uraraka had a grim expression on her face with a different aura than usual.

"So Bakugou. We should get you a date." "PLEASE As if anyone would even try! Raccoon eyes I don't know what's going through your head but it's weird." "Oh come on Bakugou, Maybe if you had a girlfriend you would be less angry all the time. "Oh shut up!" Mina giggled but Bakugou smirked a bit after. "Maybe if you asked SOMEONE out, You wouldn't be paying attention to trying to get me in a relationship" "HEY! What's that supposed to mean? Bakugou just relaxed back in the hot tub and said nothing." Calm down Mina," Kirishima said while putting a hand on her shoulder..."This is Bakugou, Don't let him get to ya." "A-Alright...Thanks" Mina replied.

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