*Dawn Of Justice*

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Bakugou POV
I awake the next day still feeling like shit but god damn that was the best sleep I had in a while, I try to get up but my legs fail me, So I just lie back looking around, I see Ponytail sleeping on her bed, At least this was the final day of work, well since someone had to take me for no fucking reason. Stuff had to be delayed so, I eventually got the strength to be able to get up and walk around the room. I went to take a shower, although I had to hold onto something to make sure I don't slip, I hate being weak.

When I was finished and changed into some new clothes, I know damn well they were gonna try and keep me in this fucking room all day, So was gonna go explore the breakfast the hotel served and as soon as I opened the door, Cheeks fell back on the ground. Uh, What are you doing? I said. "Oh, Bakugou! Umm, Good Morning, How did you sleep? Anything still hurt?" She replied, clearly looking like she was up to something, Uh huh, I'm going to get breakfast I said and continued. "W-Wait, Bakugou do you mind if I joined you?" Says Cheeks, That's up to you if you want breakfast or not. She got on her feet and quickly made her way toward me."So, You going on today's job?" She said, Looking at me as if I had something. Knowing this school, Probably not, This is twice now after all. "I guess your right." We got on the elevator and went down,

We continued to the dining area and Cheek's eyes lit up, How about you quit having puppy dog eyes and go get your food. I said and she just went off to get whatever to eat, I just got a few things and sat down and ate, Cheeks comes 5 minutes later with a whole plateful."Can you believe it Bakugou? It's all free" She Smiled, It's the hotel charge that adds up, School's paying for it. "Well, I guess your right".There was a brief Silence between us. "Hey, Bakugou?" Cheeks Started, Hmm? I said, having a glass of water in the process. "Do you want to go somewhere this week?" She said, I looked at her as if she said a joke. Is this a joke cheeks? Do you not remember what happened last time "N-No it isn't Bakugou, I was asking if maybe just me and you can go somewhere, just the two of us? And yes I remember and I've atoned for my actions and apologized to her." Well I don't know what is going on this week. I'll let you know if I'm free or not, I don't know what I'm doing this week, I Said and her eyes lit up. "G-Great, It's a date then" Why, You're asking me out on a date? I said with a bit of a chuckle. "B-Bakugou!, Well if that's what you think it is then, I-its a date." Well shit I didn't expect this to happen, I was only messing around.

Momo POV
I woke up the next day, I slept alright but it wasn't the best sleep for some reason and I don't know why, I sat up and looked around the room to notice that Katsuki is gone. Katsuki? I said looking around the room, No response, I checked the bathroom, knocking first but no response, Then I realized that he may just be getting breakfast, I went to get washed up and get new clothing on, all of my morning routines and walked out of the room, "Morning Momo!" I looked over and it was Mina, Oh, Good Morning, Sleep Well? "Best sleep in a while," She Said. Was it because of Kirishi- "AHHHHH, Maybe" She interrupted and I just giggled "Wait till you get a boyfriend Momo, and ill say the same thing." What if there's nobody on my mind right now? I said, Knowing that it was a COMPLETE Lie. "Oh Yaomomo, I know more than you think" I blushed red when she said that. "SO THERE IS SOMEONE" She yelled, "Tell Meeeeeee". M-Maybe later I said and continued downstairs to get breakfast,

As I entered I saw Katsuki having breakfast with Uraraka, Something about it made me a bit...Angry? Sad? Nervous? I don't know. I got my breakfast and sat down next to him, Morning Bakugou, Morning Uraraka I said "Morning Ponytail" Said Bakugou, "Morning Momo" Said Uraraka "Hey What are you doing with the plates from the meal you made?" He said, And Uraraka looked at him, Questioning what he just said. I'm going to put them away, Did you enjoy my cooking? I said. "It was alright, Thanks again I guess," He said And Uraraka had a shocked look on her face.Probably because Katsuki never gives compliments to anyone. "So Bakugou, What are you going to do today?" Uraraka said to him, "Probably Nothing Since I'm the hot topic among heroes nowadays." He replied, Meanwhile, I was thinking of things to do later with him, But knowing Uraraka around she wasn't gonna be too happy regarding things I do with Baku-Katsuki, Damn it this boy is taking me places I've never been, And I just Cursed!

A moment later someone tapped my shoulder, It was Mr. Aizawa. "Yaoyorozu, I need you to come with me real quick." He said firmly, I got up and went with Mr. Aizawa, Leaving Bakugou and Uraraka. We got to a room and with it was the police chief of this district and a few other investigators. "Ms. Yaoyorozu, We have more details regarding your incident at the bridge." The Chief said, Oh, What have you found? I said. "We were able to check cameras around certain stores and or houses, It seems someone was following you a few moments after you left the hotel, They were wearing all black but we were able to find out that the assailant had brown hair and multicolored heels, Pink and white. We will continue this investigation and we'll let you know any more details." This was a shock to me, That this villain followed me after I left the hotel. Thank you for this information, I said, Still trying to process what was said. "Mr. Aizawa will also be doing interviews with the students just in case there was any foul play involved within the grade." He continued, And Mr Aizawa nodded, I continued to process what was told, Brown hair, Pink and White Boots.

Bakugou POV
I finished my breakfast and cleaned up, Uraraka had to go somewhere so it was just me for a bit, I got curious and decided to follow after ponytail and listen in, It was something about her getting pushed, A person with Brown hair and pink and white boots, It was certainly confusing, I also heard Aizawa was gonna do interviews with the students, But still, I'm pissed off that I could have been there to stop it but no, Whoever is this person, Ill fuck them up, Katsuki Bakugou style. I went back into my room to get ready for my patrol, I didn't care if I was hurt, I gotta do my job and protect people, Even my partner if I Didn't want one. But, Maybe one person is alright, As I came out of the room with others already getting ready as well Uraraka came out also. "Bakugou, Shouldn't you be resting?" I'll be fine cheeks don't worry. "Yea? A-Alright then" There was another silence between us, "Hey Bakugou, Can I ask for one thing only?" Huh? Oh, Fuck it Sure. I said, "C-Can I Hug you?" What? I said, Processing "Please?" She said, I gave a sigh, Fine but what is the reason- She gave me a tight hug "I was worried when you were taken, I wanted to do this when you came back but I was afraid of people looking." Alright Cheeks, But I'm fine, aren't I? "Ochako," She said, What? "Call me Ochako when it's just us, Ok?" This is getting confusing, since when was I close to people? Yea, Sure Ochako, Just don't make this a daily habit. "Thank you" She continued to hug me for a bit, and I rubbed her back just for the point of comfort, I wasn't the best at comforting and shit like that I admit but I tried my best, She whispered something but I couldn't understand, I Glove Choo? I said. "N-NOTHING!" She said letting off, "I-Ill see you later Baku-Wait, Katsuki, I'll see you later Katsuki." She walked off with a wave and a smile, her face a little red for some reason, I just acknowledged her? Why is society confusing?

A bit later, Ponytail came up to get ready as well, "Katsuki, What are you doing in hero costume?" She said. Im going out on patrol, Isn't that what we're supposed to be doing? I replied and She giggled, "Yes that's what we are supposed to be doing, But you are still injured." I'll be fine Momo, Dont worry about me." She appeared to jolt and freeze. Uhh, Ponytail? Are you good? You look like you fucking saw all for one. "Oh-Oh! It's nothing Katsuki, You just called me by my first name that's all and it flustered me a little." She said with a smile. Do you not want me to call you by your name then? You wanted this? I said, Confused about what she meant. "No no please do." She blushed and smiled at me. Alright Alright Momo Quit Stalling, Go get your shit on, I'm not waiting for long."Alright, Katsuki" She goes and gets her hero costume, Meanwhile, I'm waiting and thinking about her smile, it seemed genuine but it was kinda somewhat relaxing to me Like Deku just got off my back, I don't know what this shit means but lord can I know. I should maybe ask shitty hair about this but knowing him He's gonna fuck it up.

"What Is Your Name for the Record?"

Tenzu Morozov

"Your Age?"


"What is your Quirk?"

Genocide, Depending on how many hits I've taken, My Power will increase
Alright, Where are you originally from, And how come your wearing that mask or helmet?

"I'm Originally From Russia, The Reason I am wearing this is personal, It is meant for protection and concealment "

"How come you didn't enroll in the support class then? I'm assuming One girl would like you very much."

I have my reasons, My main objective is to get stronger and have a better understanding of my skills and capabilities.

"Well you are secretive indeed, but I respect that, Let me formally introduce myself, I am Principal Nezu, and welcome to UA, Tenzu."

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