*On The Way*

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Bakugou POV
Ahhhhhhh...That was the best...Sleep that I had in a while...I stretch in bed but I feel something wrapped around me...Something unusually warm...I turn around and I see
Right behind me, it's MOMO WITH HER ARMS AROUND ME..." WHAT THE FUCK!"

"Mmm~ Morning Katsuki...Wait...Katsuki.....KATSUKI!" "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED PONYTAIL?! "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS MY BED!" "LOOK AROUND DAMN IT"....She looked around and her face turned bright red..." I'm sorry, katsuki"...She planted her face down into his pillow and mumbled it but I could still hear it..." Your Fine ponytail just remembers which room your going to next time" "Mhm" she replied.

Then I heard a knock..." Bakugou! Wake up breakfast is ready...And have you seen momo?" It was Electric dumbass this time...I looked over at momo and she shook her head..."No, I haven't seen ponytail...Look around again." I said..."Alright bakugou"...He walked off and used a gesture for her to get out quickly...She did and I got changed into new clothing and prepared my final packing.

Momo POV
I quickly returned to my room and shut the door...My heart was pounding because I realized I just slept with bakugou...KATSUKI BAKUGOU...I slid down onto the carpet...Feeling the heat coming off my face...But it was for a good reason, He was having a nightmare...But just the thought of it makes me...Embarrassed and flustered...Oh, What has come over me...I'd better quickly calm down before the girls think something is up...I quickly go take a shower, Then finish the rest of my packing...Then someone knocks on my door...

"Momo? Are you ok? We've been calling for you for 30 minutes."It was Uraraka, Knocking at the door "Yes yes I'm fine" I replied, I was just getting ready for the day"..."Oh alright, Well breakfast is ready, And people are beginning to wonder where you are." She said.

"Tell them I'm fine, I had trouble getting up"...I hated lying but it was to keep a secret to not hurt me or Baku- I mean Katsuki's reputation...After I finished getting ready I went out to the main room for breakfast.

Both POV
The dining room was full of everyone, Having casual chatter, When Momo came in, the room lit up...."Momo where were you?" Kaminari said..."I had trouble getting up, Don't worry Im fine" She replied.."I'm glad your ok Momo...Midoriya said..."We're all one big team and it wouldn't be the same with even one of us gone"..."Alright Midoriya! That's the spirit" Kirishima added...Momo looked over and saw a small blush coming from mina...But what surprised her was a small blush coming from Tsuyu...She was looking at midoriya smiling...Momo thought, Could Tsu like Midoriya?

Then bakugou came into the room and sat at the table..." You fuckers better not ruin my day because I had a good sleep and I'm not dealing with your bullcrap"...He said with a tone..."Thats new? For bakugou at least" Especially you, Deku...Bakugou said while staring at him."Alright alright I won't kacchan"...Bakugou sat down and ate his breakfast while everyone ate theirs...He looked around the room to see Kaminari talking with jirou...Midoriya is talking with Kirishima about how to improve their abilities...He noticed that Mineta was gone so...."Legs up...Now!" Bakugou blasted under the table and out came mineta, Hitting a wall...He continued to have his breakfast, Occasionally thinking about this morning...."Bakugou can you pass the salt and pepper?" Momo said...He passed it and continued looking around.

" Hey raccoon eyes and frog, You good, You look like you're eyeing something in the supermarket" Wha! Mina said and Tsu blushed more...." Bakugou! What do you mean by that!" Mina Yelled...All he did was give a small smirk and she was red as a tomato...Momo looked over to him with a pout..." Got something to say Ponytail?" He said..."No, I don't"...They continued to eat their breakfast...Todoroki looked over at Uraraka who was giving off a jealous aura...It was strange he thought..."Uraraka? Are you ok?" She broke out of it..."Oh, Yea todoroki I'm fine, just thinking"..."You sure?" He replied "Yes I'm fine, just had a bad dream" He shrugged and continued eating.

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