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Momo POV
The day after Uraraka was dead was mostly silent, I've heard rumors of people still accusing Katsuki of murder, I can't believe I'm going to say this but Those people pissed me off. Excuse my language. I sat in my room thinking about what happened, It was a villain, it couldn't possibly be Katsuki. I took out my phone to look at the picture I sneaked in a picture in with him on the trip. I hope he is doing ok.

Tenzu POV
Animals some people are, I know damn well that even though that boy can be a jackass and acts before he thinks, He sure as damn well wouldn't do something so big to jeopardize all that he has done, Right now I've heard from the class group chat that He is being questioned by police and other heroes. Something about this doesn't make sense, Why would Uraraka not go back to the school which was in Bakugou's words "A quarter mile ahead" It makes my head spin. As I walked through the hallways to collect my thoughts on what has happened

"Heya Bonehead!" A voice called out to me, I looked over to see Ms. Mei Hatsume. Ms. Hatsume- "Hatsume is Fine". Well then call me Tenzu then instead of "Bonehead" "You want me to call you by your first name?" She looked at me with a smile, a bright one. I don't see anything wrong with that. Why what's the issue with Japan and names? She explained to me when people in Japan call each other by their first names, it means their close. Well, you can still call me by my first name anyway, I prefer it. I said to her. "Well then, you may call me Mei then if we're gonna do that." She was a quirky girl, but she was alright, smart too."What was that?" Shit I said things out loud, It's nothing I say. How's the hero costume coming along? "It's going great, it's giving us at the support course a real test." Is that bad or good? Because it sounds like you're having trouble, I could come down and help if- "No need! We're all learning new things from this. We are fine with it.

Say? Whatcha doing in the halls? There are no Classes today." She said. I didn't want to share things with lots of people. You know it's kind of different when Mei is around, Just something about it. It feels different than the friendliness of Shoto, Momo, And Bakugou, I just can't put my spot on it. I'm thinking about what happened last night, between Bakugou breaking down and Uraraka being found dead, They are questioning Bakugou today about his interaction with Uraraka yesterday. But something doesn't add up. "Well...I know that the death of a classmate can be hard on us, Depending on how close we knew them as well can also hurt, I've seen some Cry and some just look fine." She goes up to me to pat my back. Thank you, Mei. I pat her back as well but then it just looks like we were hugging weirdly. "Hey, You know we're kinda hugging, right?" Hmm? It's just patting our ba- She then pulled me into a firm yet gentle hug and giggled. "You're a Softie you know that?" I sighed, You're one to talk, you're the one who wanted to hug...It felt like a long time for me but it was 30 seconds."

Hey Tenzi?" So I got a nickname now huh? "Huh? Whatcha talking about? I wanted to ask if you can take off your mask." I wasn't comfortable with my mask being off around for very long, It's a long story that I will get into later on. Why? I said to her, Questioning "Because your face is a rarity, nobody ever sees it." You've seen it. "A tiny bit of it but come on Tenziiiii, Pleaseeee." This girl is gonna be the death of me...Fine, I say, I let go of hugging her and take the straps off and take off my mask, I'm gonna either say my features again or say it for the first time depending if you paid attention or not, I have darkish blue hair with golden yellow eyes that reflect when light is shined upon them, I also have a scar across my right eye, I will get into how I got into that later, My Babushka always said I'm a pretty boy, I hated it. It always attracted the wrong crowd. " Woah Tenzi You look Sexy!" This made me choke up, W-What? "You look very good, Why are you hiding your true self? And what happened to you?" She said before she put her hand on my face to feel the scar."

What happened to you?" I- I don't want to talk about it right now. I didn't realize that tears were strolling down my eyes. I didn't feel sad, they were just there. She brought me into another hug. "Come on, Let's go back to my dorm." I nodded Instinctually and the next thing I knew, She was holding my hand, taking me to her dorm room.

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