*A New Day*

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Bakugou POV

I woke up and checked the time, 2:30 in the fucking morning, I heard something unusual, Sorta like...Sniffling? And whimpering. I looked over to the window and I saw the full moon, I got out of bed and went to look at it from the balcony, It was, Very peaceful. God how I wish I could spend this with someone But knowing my single ass isn't getting with anyone any time soon kinda hurts the experience.

The faint sound of whimpering got closer and closer until it was right behind me, I turned around."Ponytail? The fuck are you doing up? You good?-". I was interrupted by her quickly hugging me tightly and firmly, hiding her head in my chest. "What's wrong?". "Nothing. " "Damn it Ponytail, if your coming to me out of all people in the middle of the night crying then Something is up." "It's Uraraka" "What did cheeks do?" "She told me never to talk to you again and she sounded like she was threatening me". I held her shoulders and looked at her straight at her. "Look at me Momo Yaoyorozu!". She did a slight gasp and looks up at me. "It's Your choice on who you want to talk to, Don't let some bitch decide for you what you should do, You got that? If you want to hang out with my dumbass I won't stop you, I haven't been stopping you. It's your decision, not hers. If that bitch is giving you, more problems then you come and talk to Me because ill handle it myself!" She just kept looking at me, Her eyes were glowing in the night. I can't believe I just said that. I might have just fucked up." Katsuki, I-." She continued to hug me "Thank you, For everything." "Tsh, It was only to keep you from crying all night ponytail" I patted her head, Her hair was very soft and smooth.

"Now I want to sleep ponytail, You should as well, I get up early for training," I said, then let go of her and walked and lay back in my bed. "Alright, Katsuki." Then here's the part that makes me feel like WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? She fucking gets into bed and holds onto me. "I'll just get up when you get up, It's very simple." "Uh-huh."

I put the covers over us, Ponytail cuddling me more than I've been caressed in my entire life. I get that I said some shit but I don't need to be treated like I'm the fucking king of England, But you know it's not that bad.

Momo POV

I can't believe that out of all people, Katsuki Bakugou helped me. I umm...I'm grateful for this boy, Maybe...Maybe Tsu was right, I do like someone. "Good night Katsuki." Good Night, Momo"

Uraraka POV

I can't believe her, that bitch! She can snuggle and cuddle him like it's nothing! meanwhile, I'm here in my room holding onto a hand sewed bodypillow, It seems I need to up my approach, Katsuki Bakugou, Me and You are going to dinner together.

Momo POV

I woke up because of Katsuki's nudging me. "Hey ponytail, Wake up, got training to do, Get your hero costume on." "Katsuki's hero costume was different this time, His costume was more protected in the core parts of his body and he added small points, not enough to stab but to injure on his gloves. I get up and get on my hero costume and he waits for me outside. "Alright ponytail, I'm not gonna stop for you, So you'd better keep up." I nod and he starts running or jogging away...I follow him but jeez he has a lot of stamina. Well, this is training, Gotta stay concentrated Momo."

Bakugou POV

Let's hope Ponytail can keep up because this is completely different from what those teachers have been giving us. Because of this, IS THE BAKUWORKOUT! Trademark patent pending. Anyway, she started to fall behind a little bit but she kept pushing on, We ran for 2 miles and she still kept up. " K-Katsuki...Can, Can we slow down?" "Are You kidding me, we only just started! To the gym!" Ponytail took a deep sigh and kept following me by jogging to the gym. I know when people's boundaries are pushed and I'm damn sure gonna make sure that she gets stronger than she was before. When we got to the gym, I can tell that she wasn't gonna run anymore. "Here, Drink up" I tossed her a water bottle and she caught it and drank it down. "Alright ponytail, We got to get your strength training in, You need to get more muscle because in your case. You need more matter." She nods and we walk inside to begin working out.

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